It's good to talk

By kanenakid - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I realized the closest person I have to a friend is the debt collector who calls me every day. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 559
You deserved it 6 823

Top comments

doriandorian_fml 0

Ahh, he's just like a real friend, taking your money!

Erindub 0

You should friend him in Facebook


doriandorian_fml 0

Ahh, he's just like a real friend, taking your money!

#1 wins the thread. OP, you don't have friends? How the hell did you manage that? No-one to interrupt, annoy and complain to you. Sounds like bliss!

Erindub 0

You should friend him in Facebook

Yeah!! Add him on facebook. Confess your dying love for his friendship, and then ask him to the movies!!

terriibabiiix23 0

YDI for being a loser and not socializing more :/

kill yourself another FML saved by TheHo

This is your fault. Maybe u should lose whatever aspect you have that keeps u from making friends. Plus your in debt which is also your fault. Double YDI.

um i don't think its as easy as "losing what keeps you from making friends", sure if the issue is like you stink or have a bad attitude sure that would work, but what if the person has social anxiety disorder? you can't just change that

I find your lack of empathy disturbing

omg me too! But it's not a debt collector, it's my mom.

postaltubealex 0

This comment was the best comment I read in 2009.

Mom for a friend is fun except when you are sneaking off somewhere.

#7 - hilarious... and disturbing if it's true :D #17 - indeed

If I don't call my mother at least every other day she comes to my house to make sure I'm okay. Seriously. The truth is, in a weird way, I enjoy it. It's nice to know that your mother cares... even if it is kind of crazy and obsessive.

Make no mistake... he does not like you either.

corner49 0

Pay your bills then, no-one likes a scrounger, so no wonder you have no friends