It's good to talk

By kanenakid - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I realized the closest person I have to a friend is the debt collector who calls me every day. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 559
You deserved it 6 823

Top comments

doriandorian_fml 0

Ahh, he's just like a real friend, taking your money!

Erindub 0

You should friend him in Facebook


Stormannemily 0

Awww:( sad. But maybe you should get out there and make some. Friends are always good to have and everyone needs them!! Good luck!:)

freddystien 0
Mmarion_fml 6

I suppose if he's being called everyday by a debt collector he doesn't really has the money or the mood to go out. And people, don't say "YDI for being in debt" when you don't know why he's in that situation. He may have deserved it, but he also may not have...

If you have to deal with a debt collector every day then how are you posting FML's? Stop wasting your time here and volunteer for something, or get a job (or a second one). Socialize at public events or just get a life and force yourself to interact

Why would you need friends when you have the Internet?

Join a club and make friends. Like, go to the RC club or community band.