It's true, though

By humiliated - 20/03/2016 11:54 - United Kingdom - London

Today, at the supermarket, I picked up a pack of toilet rolls, at which point my 5-year-old daughter turned to me and screamed, "A CLEAN BUTTHOLE IS A HAPPY BUTTHOLE!" in front of a dozen other people. I have no idea where she heard that. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 146
You deserved it 2 362

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sp00derman 23

She got that from the Charmin Ultra Plush toilet paper commercials... DUH



Op if it makes you feel any better my daughter went to the store with her dad when she was two. He would always call me sexy and I kept telling him to stop before the kid repeated it. So they go to the store and every woman they pass the kid says "sexy, sexy, sexy." He was so embarassed but I thought and still think it's pretty great. It happens.. Enjoy her while she's little. They grow up so fast.

I taught my Neice "sexy" when she was about 3. It was funny when she called inanimate objects sexy because she liked them.

Goblin182 26

She might have just made it up, my kid says the weirdest shit and I'm pretty sure she made it up herself lol

At least she doesn't want it the other way around, you lucked out in a sense lol, still awkward tho

(_(:)_) Either way you look at it, it looks like a happy ass.

Jwaye2 7

Haha I would have pissed myself laughing if that was my kid, my goddaughter is bad for that. She remembers everything she hears and has no problem repeating it. Gotta be careful around that one.