By Anonymous - 20/03/2016 06:24 - United States - Tucson
Same thing different taste
By TGIkaty - 10/02/2009 00:11 - United States
By DaoOfPow - 23/05/2015 07:51 - United States - Danbury
Motherly love
By tara, sadly - 22/10/2021 14:00
By anonymous - 27/06/2015 17:40 - United States
By Anonymous - 04/06/2014 14:34 - United Kingdom - Ormskirk
By I’d rather be homeless - 24/01/2022 17:01
Chill out
By Bruce - 01/12/2022 18:00
But mah granbabies!
By That 30s Show - 19/03/2024 03:00 - United States - Chicago
By Coffee Boy - 23/06/2012 04:55 - United States - Chesterfield
By mommy_issues - 29/08/2009 16:46 - United States
Top comments

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Show it anywayYou call it outstanding, I call it disturbing.
You know what else is outstanding? Seeing a psychiatrist.
Change the word "God" to "the devil" or any other voice in her head she'd be deemed insane and institutionalised. It's not devotion it's the definition of insanity. Jeez.
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Show it anywayYou can always take it back.
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Show it anywayisn't it against the bible to kill?
That's not God that she is committed. God isn't cruel
overly religious people can be so charming! "Son, I love you so much I would murder you if a voice in my head told me to", disturbing.
#60 it's against one of the Ten Commandments not the bible and I'm pretty sure God wouldn't tell anyone to kill anyone since he cherishes all life and wants everyone to love one another.
That is until you get the bill.... That alone might drive you bonkers. Lol
Your stupidity disturbs me more. A man of logic in the 21st century baffles you? Boo hoo
I'm surprised no one here brought up God's mass genocide, aka the story of Noah's Ark
I'm catholic, and I find this disturbing. Please don't give us a bad name.
Seriously? If your mother said she would murder you because the voices in her head told her to, would you think, "her commitment to the suicidal voices in her head is outstanding"
Institutionalize her.
This sounds like a joke but you may need to actually do it, OP. Your mother has admitted that she would harm you if she was told to by someone that may or may not exist. If someone is threatening suicide they get put in a hospital, so if she is threatening to kill you (yes, her statement is technically a threat) you need to have her put somewhere where she can be watched so they can make sure she doesn't kill herself or someone else.
OMG that's the first thing I thought of too! Isaaaaaaccc
Welp, time to head into the Basement, OP.
26, The story of Lot and his daughters is way weirder than Isaac. That one always creeps me out. Ezekiel is pretty weird, too.
What about the guy in Judges that cuts up his concubine into pieces? The story is very similar to Lot's.
I love how diverse the Bible is. Some people think it's all just rules and regulations when in reality there's romance, betrayal, murder, love, sacrifice, sex, scandal, war, history, encouragement, and a whole lot of other stuff. Whether you believe in it or not, you can't say it's not interesting.
Hehehe, I see what you did there :P
beat me to it. Lol
Nuts like her are disgusting. Some people really don't deserve to be called mothers. Evil woman.
Dude. Run.
Okay, let's say God is 100% proven fact real. Are you really not gonna do what God tells you to? That's just asking for something bad to happen
If a God wanted me to kill my own child why the **** do I want to worship him?
If the bible was 100% true... One of the Ten Commandments says "Thou Shalt Not Murder" - So, no I would not murder anyone on his say so. Especially my child. It would make god one hypocritical asshole to go against his own commandments. lol.
Then I will gladly take the bad to save my child. I've been in an abusive relationship before and I said never again and meant it. I don't care where it's coming from.
Okay, let's be realistic and mention the fact that 4.2 billion people agree your god is not real. Are you really gonna listen to the a homicidal thought that pops into your head? People that hear voices in their head are either hallucinating or have mental health problems. People that kill when they hear a voice suggest it are psychotic and should be locked up.
I'd rather burn for eternity than kill my kid
If God proved himself to be real, no doubt we would hold him accountable for all the pain and suffering inflicted on people in his name, just saying.
If God is 100% real then the afterlife is also 100% real - in which case killing someone whom God has told you to kill wouldn't be as bad as it sounds. However, if an entity claiming to be God told me to kill someone I would be asking that entity for some ID.
Very simple: the world has around 7.4B people and the largest religion (christianity) is only 30% of that, so the remaining 5.2B+ people don't believe in whatever god they propose. I was using outdated numbers, so it's actually a bit more than I thought. Thanks for pointing that out:D
The only reason God told Abraham to kill his son was to test his faith. Right before Abraham was going to kill Isaac, God told him to stop and to not harm him. But now, God knew that Abraham truly loves him more than even his only son, and that he chose to follow God's will with his own free will.
Still a dick move on God's part. I wouldn't worship anything that instructed me to kill my own child, no matter why they did it
In my opinion, a parent should put their child first. That includes choosing damnation over murdering your child. Seriously, what kind of parent kills their child so THEY won't get in trouble with God? And as others have said, if that's he God Id have to worship and who'd Id stay with in heaven, send me to hell. If you are such an insecure God to even want your creation to out worshipping you over their own child, you're not the all loving God that's claimed.
That god is really, really narcissistic... "Show me how much you love me! I know you love me but I want you to do something SPECTACULAR for me!! Come on prove how much you love ME and let everyone know!"... That's the behaviour of one egoistical manipulative attention seeking twisted bitch! How can people manage to believe in those stories..
Binding of Isaac rebirth part 2
This is the true plot of Afterbirth+.
You could always say "Are you sure that's god talking and not the devil?"
I know that's your biological parent but she's no mother.

Isaac, is that you?
if she offers you to join her on a mountain to make a sacrifice, don't join her!