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By brelni - 28/11/2010 17:17 - United States

Today, my ex-boyfriend came over to visit. Being nice, I let him walk down the stairs first, following after him. I still managed to reach the bottom before he did; after taking one step, I lost my footing and fell all the way down, scraping the skin off my arms and legs, and bruising my butt. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 220
You deserved it 4 774

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Are u guys like all not there? She said she was letting her ex go ahead of her to be nice, but she managed to make it to the bottom first by falling down the stairs...its not that hard to understand.

Jesus Christ. This should be put on a high school exit level exam. You people must have reading deficiencies.


I am so aroused by the word "bottom" that my nipples are erect and sharp enough to cut diamonds.

Of course that dog can type. why, do you know a dog that can't type? D:

The majority of comments on this site support the notion that dogs can type.

what are you stairs concrete? how do you skin you arms and legs on hardwood or carpet or are you meskin?

vballplayr7 0

#36 Some basement stairs are concrete. Perhaps that's the case for OP's situation. Also, it's very possible to obtain injuries from carpet-covered stairs. Ever heard of carpet burn?

zakkyzebra 11

XD. #1, so you think that's a cover-up story for why her bum is bruised, too, huh?

#57 so she scratched her coochie?Because in England bum means coochie!


agreed i still dont get it o.o

I won't blame you because I got a little bit confused at first because of the ex-boyfriend being there. Basically, she let him walk down the stairs first. After that, she started going downstairs behind him, she lost her footing on the first step and slipped and fell down the stairs and got scrapes on her arms and legs and a bruise on her butt. On the plus side, though, she got to the bottom before he did! ^_^

What was the point of mentioning the ex bf? did he laugh? did he walk over u? how is this an fml? you fell, wooptedoo

I don't understand how this fml was wrote. it's extremely confusing

dudeitsdanny 9

It's as easy to understand as your comment. I think the word you're looking for is written.

it means hes ******* a hole..."ten years later at a mole confession:we need to get rid of the hole ******"

trying to understand this gave me a headache. FML

So wait... you made it down before him because you tripped on the first step? I'm confused. Anyways did he come over for sex, or is there another reason the two of you were upstairs?

thisgirl2u 9

Yes, she tripped and by doing so she slid down the stairs much faster than her ex boyfriend could walk down them.

^ I'm thinking the OP's house had a similar design to that of my old house, where there was the entrance, and a separate set of stairs leading both to the second story and the first. The second would have the bedrooms and the kitchen, and the first would have the living room.

Well, that wasn't too difficult to read then. :) Thanks #15.

Jesus Christ. This should be put on a high school exit level exam. You people must have reading deficiencies.

I'm from Austria and have been learning English for about two years and I don't think it's hard to understand at all.

Are u guys like all not there? She said she was letting her ex go ahead of her to be nice, but she managed to make it to the bottom first by falling down the stairs...its not that hard to understand.

Judging from BIA's comment, I believe the post has been edited to make it more understandable. OP, why were you at the bottom first? If you were letting him go ahead, give him some space! I'm guessing you were running down the stairs so YDI.

It wasn't drastically edited. There shouldn't have been a problem in the first place.

Meh, I tried to help. I guess some people are just slow.