It's true, though

By Anonymous - 18/07/2014 23:06 - United States - Horseheads

Today, my mom told me my relationship is a joke, because teenagers don't understand the meaning of relationships and commitment. I couldn't help but remind her how she's divorced three separate men to date. She hit me over the head so hard that snot flew out of my nose. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 903
You deserved it 11 263

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Don't worry about her. She doesn't know anything about your relationship


You were right in principle, however, it's still disrespectful.

Children shouldn't be disrespecting their parents in the first place.

Anyone who has to resort to violence to make their point is not worthy of even a single iota of respect, parent or not.

Hiimhaileypotter 52

#46 - My mom would do the same thing as OP's mom, and my dad has done a lot worse. So I'm sorry, but I do not respect them. They constantly call me a **** (I've never even had sex), fat, stupid, a bitch, and constantly rag on me about my choices. They don't respect me at all, so I don't respect them.

Lil_Red777 21

How do you know she was disrespectful to begin with? Some people can in fact make a point without being rude.

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well.. your spelling sucks.. but so does your shitty attitude. I feel sorry for your kids, actually.

The parents who are like that are always the ones who can't understand why their children don't visit - or have cut them off completely. It's never their fault.

*You're, *I'd and don't start a sentence with "and". Also, you sound like my mother so I'm going to give you a snipit of what I would say to her - "If you seriously think that that's talking back/being cheeky when I'm actually telling you how it is, don't go crying, ringing me up when I move out of this house in October and wonder why I don't text or visit. If you're going to be a rude bitch, expect me to be just as rude to you." Lose the attitude bru.

My mother used to hit me quite a bit. Then when I was 13, I started to hit back. Needless to say, it put a stop to that nonsense very quickly.

Lil_Red777 21

I feel bad for your kid then if you feel striking her in the back of the head is appropriate.

pshhht, jealous much? .. but honestly, don't take her seriously.. ive been in a relationship with my girlfriend for 5 1/2 years.. I'm 19 now, so that made me 14 when we started... we have been living together for a while now ..

Aero_x 21

Aw OP, she must be jelly of how ideal your relationship is. She seemed to have spoken out of spite :(

What the **** does jelly have to do with this fml?

cryssycakesx3 22

now, now. she could very well be jam.

Ooh heck, it must be jelly, because jam don't shake like that.

Sometime parents over react. Don't worry man.

She said that probably because most teenage relationships don't work out, but hey that's not always the case my boyfriend and I met when we were 16 and now we are 20 and still together. Don't let her get to you, I'm sorry you got the snot slapped out of you that was wrong of her but you could have worded that a bit better and maybe avoided a slap.

I can't stand all these people saying you have to respect your parents no matter what, just because they gave birth to you. Respect should be earned, it should not be an obligation.

I think she should take tips from you in relationships...hope you and your boyfriend stay strong (:

Wow, don't you hate it when they treat you like shit and then when you do it back they get mad?