Karen of the day

By Anonymous - 21/11/2024 06:00 - United States - Lafayette

Today, my ultra-Christian neighbor called the cops on me (again). This time, it was because she could smell "weed" coming from my apartment. I was burning sage. FML
I agree, your life sucks 477
You deserved it 112

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hopefully, after enough times, they'll either tell her to **** off, or make sure you're actually doing something police-worthy.

To a fundie, that’s just as bad. She needs to be in a mental institution.


Hopefully, after enough times, they'll either tell her to **** off, or make sure you're actually doing something police-worthy.

To a fundie, that’s just as bad. She needs to be in a mental institution.

To quote Esme Weatherwax: “Aye, cursing, my girl, and no need to look so shocked! You’ll curse, when the need comes. When you’re alone, and there’s no help to hand, and—” She hesitated and, uncomfortably aware of Esk’s questioning eyes, finished lamely: “—and people aren’t showing respect. Make it loud, make it complicated, make it long, and make it up if you have to, but it’ll work all right. Next day, when they hit their thumb or they fall off a ladder or their dog drops dead they’ll remember you. They’ll behave better next time.” People who *BELIEVE* are the easiest to get themselves carted off to a padded cell for screaming about being 'cursed by the devil worshipping neighbour'. Just a suggestion.