Kids will be kids

By littlebigbrother - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - Japan

Today, we got a call that my brother stuck a rock up his nose and couldn't get it out. My mom had to pick him up and take him to the hospital. My brother is 20. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 007
You deserved it 2 218

Top comments

My brother still tries to save his farts & he's also 20 . boys are weird .


MarisaCB 16

Boys are weird. But hey... at least he has a sense of adventure!

Wow OP, sounds like yout beiber didn't outgrow the fifth grade. A didn't you had to put up with that... For some reason this FML made me think of Step Brothers...and I haven't even seen that movie before. Weird. Maybe it's a sign! I'll go watch it now and fulfill my destiny!

*your *brother Dafuq did auto correct change brother to beiber? Looks like it's time for a new phone...

Oh shit this comment is a mess... *shame Can the mods help a cyborg out and fix this? Pretty please?

Your brother sounds like he never grew out of the fifth grade. A shame you had to put up with that. For some reason this FML made me think of Step Brothers, and I've never seen that before. Weird. Maybe it's a sign! I'll watch it now and fulfill my destiny!

ArielTheMermaid 17

Haha at least he's the stupid one and not you, right?

Your brother should probably be under adult supervision... sounds like a serious case of immaturity and/or stupidity...

IdfkMyUsernamexC 5

If you take the 0 off his age it makes sense.......

Are you sure he isn't two? Boys are strange creatures. :)

My 12 year old brother literally did that last week. Smh.

Literally?!? Haha this reminds me of that fml where OPs roommate kept on saying literally. -_-

linkinpark98 23

I know right? I literally thought the same thing.

But in this case he is literally correct in using literally.

N3766 20

Next time ask him to stick watermelon to his ass... That's more challenging.

hallkchallkc 4

Nah, just use superglue... Unless you meant to type "up his ass", in which case you would be correct.

At least it wasn't a crack rock. That would be much more worrisome!