Kids will be kids

By littlebigbrother - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - Japan

Today, we got a call that my brother stuck a rock up his nose and couldn't get it out. My mom had to pick him up and take him to the hospital. My brother is 20. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 007
You deserved it 2 218

Top comments

My brother still tries to save his farts & he's also 20 . boys are weird .


smilz2u 0

I'm curious as to what he told the Doctor as to how he, a 20 year old man, got a rock stuck up his nose.

I'm 17 and did something similar to this a few months ago. I was laying on my side and was taking my earring out and accidentally dropped it in my ear where it got stuck in my ear drum. I had to go to the doctor to get it removed and boy did I cry. That hurt like hell. Of course, I deserved it for being such a clumsy moron. Haha. FYL, OP.

sampson12 0
CEiiLEiiGH 7

Haha I got a bead stuck up my nose one day. But I was 3...

Clearly he was conducting a scientific experiment to see if he could obtain earthbending powers by shoving a rock up his nose. Smartest man alive.

Derprie 0

That happened to your brother too? No way, my brother is 8 though.... Awkward.