Kids will be kids

By littlebigbrother - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - Japan

Today, we got a call that my brother stuck a rock up his nose and couldn't get it out. My mom had to pick him up and take him to the hospital. My brother is 20. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 007
You deserved it 2 218

Top comments

My brother still tries to save his farts & he's also 20 . boys are weird .


your parents should have used a condom

linkinpark98 23

Aren't you supposed to crush the rock before snorting it?

Apparently he thought he had a giant nose. Like Sarah Jessica Parker.

Sarah Jessica Parker is a horse, she doesn't count

I don't see how your brothers stupidity affects you at all. Unless of course your afraid that it's hereditary.

At least it was your brother, if it was your sister it would have been a cell phone in a ******.

ChickInGreenVans 12

Please inbox me your bro's number.. I think we will get along just fine!! Just saying though!!