
By Satan'sChildren - 28/04/2013 02:30 - United States - Oak Creek

Today, I was coming home from a much-needed vacation. The time I spent on the plane consisted of kids screaming and throwing tantrums. One of them managed to give me a black eye with a shoe. Their mom pretended to be asleep so I'd have to deal with her kids for her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 618
You deserved it 3 263

Same thing different taste

Top comments


You should have shoved the shoe into the kid's ass. It's what Jesus would have done.

plum_lovin 28

I probably would have used her kids shoe and hit her with it to wake her up (even if she was really "asleep" or not. Deal with your own damn kids lady!!


chubby_choco 17

See, shit like this is why I'll never be able to get on a plane. Because I have no patience with children (or crappy parents), so if this happened, I'd shake her awake and say something to the effect of, "Bitch, I'm not a baby-sitter. If I get a shoe to the face again, I will be even less pleasant to sit with than your little shitstains here."

At least the plain did not crash and you did not die.

L0VExoxo 10

You should have woke that bitch up

Wealthyparrot 9

They say an eye for an eye leaves everyone blind... But if she's not watching her kids, why does she need eyes anyway?

red61977 9

Well if you are left to deal with them, then you start yelling like a still sergeant. If they get out of line, smack them. If the mom bitches, smack her.

cheepcheep23 8

What is it with misbehaving kids on airplanes, it seem to be quite common? Kids seem to misbehave more often on airplanes then other places. No one ever thinks that maybe kids just don't like airplanes. I'm beginning to think that people shouldn't travel on airplanes with young children. I think part of the problem is that they're bored and are expected to sit still for x number of hours. It doesn't help that the parent(s) (like in this situation) often completely ignore their children when on the plane rather than interact and pay attention to them. Their kids could be in pain, terrified, sick or even dying and they wouldn't have a clue. Although I can't accurately judge from just this scene, the mom's passive behavior and the fact that she's completely ignoring them, makes me think she might be emotionally neglectful. They might act out just to get a reaction because negative attention is better than no attention.

One of the reasons I hate flying... And kids. The mother sounds like the 50% of people that shouldn't have had kids in the first place. FYL OP. Hope your ears didn't sustain too much damage :(