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By laviestpasimal - 07/03/2012 00:14 - France

Today, I had six long hours with the same math teacher. To get home, I travel by bus. Guess who sat down next to me for the whole trip. FML
I agree, your life sucks 446
You deserved it 36

Top comments

MwahFMLS 6
zingline89 18

Now if this bus is heading due east at 45mph and you get out of your seat and walk toward the back of the bus at 3 mph, but you also pass gas and the gas is expelled from your rectum at a speed of 1mph, what is the speed of your fart relative to someone standing on the side of the road?


MwahFMLS 6

Seems like OP didn't learn how to properly write an FML. The way it's worded is odd.

kristina_woof 6

They learned to never take that same bus again. Assuming the teacher always takes it.

theten_fml 9

Maybe walking isn't as bad as it sounds. -"Stop the Kony! Spread the word like you would the mayo."

14 After hours of math, numbers dominate your realm as grammar diminishes

He had math for six hours, not english.

omarzrgz 3

Im going to go out on a limb here and say it's that one person that always wants to "borrow" your newspaper but never gives it back?

lrgenesis 19

21 that was the implied joke...

Make a friend out of the teacher. Maybe you'll get better grades/graded easier/extra help to get better grades. Maybe they are fun.. Who knows?

omarzrgz 3

I call that kissing ass. It usually takes off right before the semester is about to end; works every time ;)

Stand up and find a new seat or just stay standing....even though it might be rude

I think pretending to get off your stop and wait for the next bus would be less rude, although its more work and takes more time, you avoid the awkwardness.

zingline89 18

Now if this bus is heading due east at 45mph and you get out of your seat and walk toward the back of the bus at 3 mph, but you also pass gas and the gas is expelled from your rectum at a speed of 1mph, what is the speed of your fart relative to someone standing on the side of the road?

omarzrgz 3

43 mph? I just got mind ******.

Oh oh. I got this... Umm 43. Hell yes. University math... Wait what? That's junior high math? Ahh **** it.

omarzrgz 3

(45-3)+1=43 right? Heh heh **** it. It's not the list for my homework

No! No! The answer must be fourty two! FOURTY TWO IS ALWAYS THE ANSWER!!

36 - I always thought it was 7... ****, no wonder why I can't pass any math class.

BeaterOfTheDrums 15

" you live 13.6 miles away, and the bus is going 35.3mph. How long will you be on the bus?" "T.T mother of god..."

My question is why were you with the math teacher for six whole hours? that's a full school day! I'm assuming your not in university otherwise it wouldnt be a big deal cuz your like a stranger to the prof so how can you have that long of class with one teacher?

OP is from France. In high school, if you take the scientific section, you can have 6 hours of maths in a row.

Oh ok. I'm using the mobile site so nationality doesn't show and I didn't even know that could happen in France. sorry guys.

Naw they talked about how she was so boring and a bad math teacher

Why does your math teacher have to cause you so many problems and not even give you an answer? If you're on a bus traveling 25 MPH and your destination is 50 miles away, how long does it take before you go insane and decapitate the nearest bystander?

Making fun of Tim Mclean's murder? Oh look it's DrMime, I'm not surprised at all...

I was referring to OP losing his mind after having to deal with his math teacher all day, jeez! What? You think my jokes are THAT deep and complex? You need some Colgate total cus you need to lighten up!

lrgenesis 19

PEMDAS is the #1 rule followed by the Pythagorean theorem

People Enjoy My Delicious Apple Sauce?

No I believe PEMDAS stands for Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally which translates to math terms by Parenthesis Exponents Multiplication Division Addition Subtraction

perdix 29

#41, Sorry, but PEMDAS isn't cake.