Kinda brought it onto yourself

By Anonymous - 19/10/2024 15:00 - United States

Today, despite my warnings, my only son married a girl I hate. To protest their marriage, I wore a white dress to the wedding. Her maid of honor "tripped" and spilled red wine all over me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29
You deserved it 1 826

Same thing different taste

Top comments

scorpz 7

Once your children are adults, you don’t control them. Trying to do so just makes you toxic. You deserved the spill.


Once your children are adults, you don’t control them. Trying to do so just makes you toxic. You deserved the spill.

You deserved it. I hope your dress is ruined. If you don’t like the girl, just don’t go to the wedding. All you accomplished is your now daughter in law and son despise you now. If you had done that to me, that would also be the last time you ever saw me for the rest of your life

I don’t know if your dislike is justified or not. I would hope you’d know that you raised your child well enough that you could trust their judgement. If it’s something petty, get over it because you’ll be hurting yourself. My husband’s mother HATED me and refused to attend our wedding and never met her only grandchildren - because I’m a Lutheran and she wanted him to marry a Catholic. She was wrong about me and missed out on getting to know me and on being part of her son’s life and her grandchildren’s’ lives. If your dislike IS justified and she’s bad news, you want your relationship to stay intact and be there for him when it’s over. You can only lose when you fight an adult child over their partner.

You know goddamn well that you deserve it. Posts like this one have me convinced that a lot of people just use this app as an outlet for their humiliation/degradation kink.

What makes you think this person has the self-awareness for such a kink?

You are a toxic ****-nut and I honestly hope your son cuts you out of his life.

Good. It wasn't about you and your preferences and it still isn't. Buy a new dress, you narcissist twit.

I’m 99% sure you’re way out of line, but I suppose there’s a reason for your dislike of her. But since you didn’t say what it was, it’s probably a shitty reason, so I suggest going to a psychiatrist and getting a prescription for 500mg of Get The Hell Over It.

I am wondering who’s the stupidest person: you or her. As a toxic mother you win hands down

Allow me to translate: "Today, my son ignored my jealousy and married a woman I hate but he loves. I won't bother to tell you what these red flags I see in her are, but the shit hit the fan when the Maid of Honor pretended to trip and spill red wine all over the white dress my attention-seeking ass was wearing. Instead of discussing the issues I have with my son, my bitch-ass ego decided to piss and moan online to strangers. FML."