Kinda brought it onto yourself

By Anonymous - 19/10/2024 15:00 - United States

Today, despite my warnings, my only son married a girl I hate. To protest their marriage, I wore a white dress to the wedding. Her maid of honor "tripped" and spilled red wine all over me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29
You deserved it 1 838

Same thing different taste

Top comments

scorpz 7

Once your children are adults, you don’t control them. Trying to do so just makes you toxic. You deserved the spill.


Racer88Socal 4

You're a horrible person to wear white to your son's wedding.

really hoping this is just rage bait from watching too much Britney Nicole. because if you really actually did that, your son and daughter in law hate you and you probably won't see any future grandchildren. you would have never seen me again

I hope he never calls or visits you on holidays

It just had to be all about you, didn't it? You clearly have zero class, because the adult thing would have been to accept it and let the couple have their special day without any drama. What you did is extremely childish and if your son has any brains he will limit contact with you to the absolute bare minimum or, better yet, cut your toxic self out of his life entirely.