King Dick

By wtf bro - 20/03/2020 07:00 - United States

Today, after returning from some caveman type "men’s retreat" with his buddies, my husband is now refusing to cook or help out with the house and kids as it’s "women’s work." He also expects to be fetched beer on demand and referred to as "King" from now on. I don’t know rather to laugh or cry. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 592
You deserved it 302

Same thing different taste

Top comments

thatkorean 5

I’d put him back in his proper place. You’re not the ******* maid. You’re his wife and he should treat you the way a wife should be treated. If he’s a king then you’re the queen. And in chess, the queen is the most important piece.

bl3ur0z3 17

I would dump the beer on his head and remind him what year it is. Step up or leave.


I'd laugh in his face and tell him to **** right on off. my husband knows better than that

"Get it yourself, asshole" and other comebacks come to mind. Put your foot down, girl!

laugh...laugh loudly and obnoxiously then pour yourself a glass of wine and have a seat

Also make food only for yourself, do only your dishes, and do only your laundry. Bet he cuts that shit out real quick.

lifeis4me 20

Since he’s refusing to cook, I hope you’re only feeding yourself and the kids. If he’s such a man, he’ll go hunt for his own game

WistayShlaio82 13

Cheat on him with his best friend. Best pussy can get dick on demand.

Let him **** the men he longs to be around. He’s a POS

I think it’s time for mommy strike. I’d go on a vacation and let him know he’ll be taking over the kids for the weekend. I’d also stop cooking for him, throw out all the beer, and instead of “king” I’d call him peasant.

EyupItsLucas 5

Bring him his beer along with divorce papers and when he asks why tell him that it’s 2020, not 1920 and if he wants to remain married he needs to play his part.

Laugh. Laugh in his ******* face. "If you're The King, then I'm The Queen! Queens don't clean, change diapers, cook, or do laundry. Where's my damn maids?"

Sonotsuave 35