
By LaLa - 09/01/2012 05:01 - United States

Today, I was with my boyfriend, and we started to get a little kinky. He laid me down roughly on the bed, but I started to slide off, so I pulled myself up. In doing so, I managed to knee him in the nut-sack, causing him to puke. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 779
You deserved it 7 876

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So since you didn't have sex I guess you decided to "hit the sack"? Eh? No? Ok then.

I bet that's going to turn him of kinky stuff for a while.


DROB125 0

Thats sucks major balls. Thts a huge mood changer. But I feel his pain my girlfriend did tht to me before.

j3ebrules 13

FML? More like FHL - **** HIS life.

princessshelly 2
sexxxyyyyyy 0
sexxxyyyyyy 0
sexxxyyyyyy 0

That's a real nut***(i didnt say it right at 1st) cracker

Hey girl dont worry bout it i bet he loves u more than anything!! Dont worry just apologize and make it upto him and u guys will be back in no time. Sex will be much better this time!! Trust me ;)

Jlovenick 1

wouldnt that be **** his life? lol