
By LaLa - 09/01/2012 05:01 - United States

Today, I was with my boyfriend, and we started to get a little kinky. He laid me down roughly on the bed, but I started to slide off, so I pulled myself up. In doing so, I managed to knee him in the nut-sack, causing him to puke. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 776
You deserved it 7 875

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So since you didn't have sex I guess you decided to "hit the sack"? Eh? No? Ok then.

I bet that's going to turn him of kinky stuff for a while.


I bet that's going to turn him of kinky stuff for a while.

That sucks OP. After he is done feeling sick you should rub them Ronald him feel better but ONLY with your hand and mouth...

Or maybe he'll get kinkier? Is that even a word? (Bring it on Grammar Nazis)

RedPillSucks 31

I'm guessing auto-correct made the post more interesting.

I have no clue how that happen... *crawls to corner in shame*

I used to be kinky like you, but then I took a knee to the arrow.

59 No he's right, change him of doing it, as in turn him of it, not off.

I used to be a kinky person once, but then I took a knee to ballsack

Bubblerider 3

This is one of the few times that a variation of that joke has actually made me laugh! Good job sir! :D

I hope you made it up to him. Getting just a little tap on the balls hurt alot :/

22cute 17

He deserved it for being rough.

Im assuming your a girl. When you grow a pair of balls, and get a KNEE to them, and start vomiting, your not going to care if you were too rough

He is trying to say that even a little tap to the balls hurt, so a knee to the balls must be horrible.

Maybe she can French kiss his nutsack better.

Anyone else waiting for the next FML to say "I was trying to be kinky with my girlfriend, the she kneed me in the balls because I was too rough, then I vomited to make matters better"

29- Hate to break it to you but some women LIKE when their man is rough with them in the bedroom.

I've had some pretty bad experiences, but never enough to make me puke.

RawEndo 1

yeah you tocuhed his tra la la alright.

Jakesterk96 8

Oh good, and I thought I was the only one.

Mister_Triangle 21

Why are you sorry? This is FML; laugh at all the misery!

I agree couldn't help but laugh. Sorry it's his own fault for not making sure you were in a good position.

lakerslover1234 0

At least now you know he is not into S&M.

Yes, because that would be terrible if he was... wait... no it wouldn't. Different strokes for different folks, people need to grow up and respect others rights to be different from you (them) (whatever).

#85, #7 didn't say it was good or bad, merely noted it. But I guess that for OP this was a little too kinky hehe

FYL - but F his L too - that must have really hurt!

So since you didn't have sex I guess you decided to "hit the sack"? Eh? No? Ok then.

This had win written all over it. Well played, sir.

Just noticed your profile says "miss". I apologize, please replace "sir" with "ma'am" in my last reply. :)

Lol, good one. I don't have balls but the thought still hurts, like a phantom pain. I feel bad for him

It might feel similar to getting kneed in the boob, that hurts a lot!!

Thats not very common, how would someone even go about doing that?

bamagrl410 31

I dunno how that would happen, but getting hit in the boob hurts. A lot.

RedPillSucks 31

hit in nuts >> hit in boobs

I don't know how'd you get kneed in the boobs.......I was just trying to make a comparison, but I guess it didn't work

Not a chance, It disables you and then comes back for round 2 and you have stomach pain for a while.

I got kicked in the boob at the pool once. I almost cried it hurt so bad, but I still don't think that it would be even half the pain of being kicked in the balls.

Yeah, I guess getting hit/kicked in the balls probably does hurt more!

Wah, wah, I don't see any boys popping out babies!

No, no babies. We have to listen to the wife bitch till we die, isn't that pain enough?

126, I'm not sure that guys could handle that pain!

auddylynne 0

**** u. Guys bitch just as much as women. U just insulted ur mother. **** u

Buttsexpirate 9

Ooh fatality! Hopefully you don't bust his balls about this in future endeavors.

That's one way to kill the mood.. Let him recover, apologize (again hopefully) and make it up to him! ;)