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Late bloomer

By Anonymous - 02/09/2020 17:02

Today, I’m at the age where I should be married or in a committed relationship and having kids. Instead, I’m STILL single. I haven’t had a first date or a first kiss. If any of that changes, luck and time aren’t going to be on my side because biologically I won’t be able to have kids. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 704
You deserved it 372

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ignore the “should be ...” voice in your head and focus on being happy all by yourself. The rest can happen whenever

Mathalamus 24

Honestly, there’s more to life than that. You are in a somewhat better position in life because you are single and don’t have kids.


Ignore the “should be ...” voice in your head and focus on being happy all by yourself. The rest can happen whenever

I hear this story differently if I imagine you as a homely 50-year-old or as a melodramatic 17-year-old drama queen.

Mathalamus 24

Honestly, there’s more to life than that. You are in a somewhat better position in life because you are single and don’t have kids.

Susan Yee 9

Are you financially stable? That is still a huge accomplishment if you do. For kids, you can adopt, foster, or get sperm from sperms bank? Love can wait.

If you want kids then have kids. You can get artificially inseminated. Your life isn't going to change if you just sit around waiting.

I know this sounds counter intuitive. but if you keep approaching this as something you "should" be doing, it will become a prison for you and all partys involved. focus on the joy. if you want to have kids, tell them when the relationship starts getting serious. enjoy your time my friend

J15237 25

okay lets break it all down then. 1. do you have a stable income? 2. Nice place to live? If yes to both of those then **** the norm and go adopt a child and start your own damn family. There are tones of children out there just looking for someone to love them and to create a family. So its not the traditional way, **** that. You haven't been kissed? It happens. I am sure the right person will come along but you don't have to be alone.