
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I learned explosive diarrhea is real. I felt it coming and dashed into our local supermarket. Ten feet in, liquid poo started spewing down my pants' legs. 150 feet to go. I ran. It ran. They watched. After 15 minutes of cleaning, I slunk out. Now, I have to find a new supermarket, maybe a new town. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 628
You deserved it 3 629

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Oh God  I remember when I had really bad diarrhea at Books A Million... Luckily it didn't reach past my underwear when I finally got to the bathroom. Note to people in charge of bathrooms: it is NOT cool when you have to ask for keys to bathrooms. When I gotta go, I GOTTA GO.


That was funny, though I think this should be the person who had to clean your crap up's FML: Today, some guy ran into the store I work at and spread his watery shit everywhere. I had to clean it up. FML

shagy_91 8

"I ran. It ran." hahahahahahaha omg

it happens just very very rarely too bad it didn't happen at your house

By any chance were you thinking about buying hot pockets