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By CollegeBoy - 13/04/2011 13:07 - Canada

Today, my high school guidance counselor tried to convince me NOT to go to college, mainly because it's been so long since someone from my high school went to college, that she got rid of all the college information she used to have. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 603
You deserved it 3 671

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Don't listen to her. Do what you want to do. Not what others tell you do.

baconboy_42 8

Seriously? Almost sounds like a rural Midwest school district. But you should still pursue college.


OP says "dispose" instead of "got rid" initially. i don't understand why would the moderator mod that.

TheDrifter 23
Krajjan 9

I didn't go to college. My job might pay well ($30+/hr), but it's so physically intensive I usually spend most of it on doctor bills. Go to college, man.

Finn_the_human 5

That doesn't fair well for your guys Grade Point Average.

Report her now! I can't even imagine how many students she has convinced already, but YOU? ---GO!!

I went to a small-town high school too in the outskirts of Victoria, BC, where I assume many kids went off to become mechanics or something. Even if the counselors don't have much info, go online to the "future/perspective students" part of the college/university websites. The online application process in Canada is really easy so no worries. While at McGill I encountered some really helpful counselors as well as some really terrible ones that were clueless or just didn't care. In anycase, you'll need to learn to be more independent to survive because you really can't count on the system most of the time. Best of luck!

haha awesome, went to Stelly's in Saanitchton, you?

grow up and travel...dont let a guidance couselor or a silly little piece of paper set your limitations!

staceysgenesis16 0

hell yeah .. get that bitch fired .. she aint cool!

MuchDance90s 0

I grew up around Stelly's area. small world. went to Bayside (we were the class that chose/voted on the name) and Keating El. and that's about all I shall type because the mods will crucify me.

lol please be nice mods. I was in brentwood only for highschool but it was a beautiful place :) used to live right by butchart gardens. although bus 75 was WAYY too infrequent to go downtown :(

lol im surprised he isnt in chicago. i live there and most students drop out or dont go to college

enonymous 8

It's Canadian college... at best he can decide which language from his country to use, how real bacon from America beats their Canadian bacon, and how to parallel park his moose.

maybe op shouldn't.. look how they spelled counselor.. or maybe that's how you spell it in canada

seriously people what's wrong with Canada?

sublime420 11

Pardon...dogsled? Yeesh. Stereotype us properly, please

Aww OP don't listen to her! There's plenty of other resources out there, especially online. My guidance counselor was useless and I had to seek information from other resources as well. Please don't give up :)

TheDrifter 23

76 I'd have let the moose thing sold, but there's no way that nasty American bacon beats ours.

KiddNYC1O 20

I just imagined a moose being parallel parked... lmfao

54 why did you start making fun of Canada, here made fun of the USA, but of we're on the topic.....

enonymous 8

here made fun of USA? are you a Canadian spy

lol WTF Canadian bacon is 100x better than American

the collage made thier websites with thier info on it for a reason

pwincessa23 1

oh wow. hopefully ur playing around because it looks like you^ need to go to college.

Incorrect. It appears they need to take a speed run through second grade first.

guys, definitely don't forget the possibility of auto-correct. it's not that far fetched considering e and a are so close together

SpilltMilk2 0

I guess i and e are also close on the keyboard.

Meh, there're on the same keyboard, they're close enough.

Don't listen to her. Do what you want to do. Not what others tell you do.

damn right! be like, oh you suck at your job

iluffmcrandbvb 1

3 how do u get your hair like tht? pretty!

mangoboy1 19

In the words of Arnold Schwarzenegger (I might make some errors )"trust yourself be who you want to be not what but who I'm talking about not what your parents or your teachers want you to be but who you want to be do what makes you happy.dont listen to the naysayers who say you cant do that it has never been done before I love it when people say you can't do this you can't do that it has never been done before because that means when I do it ill be the first one who has done it" so if it makes you happy go to college

baconboy_42 8

Seriously? Almost sounds like a rural Midwest school district. But you should still pursue college.

well be the first person from your high school to to college in however many years! That's awesome!!

PrinceFroggy 0

A lot of people from my rural Midwest school go to college.

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RainbowHeadache 2

iPhones misspell it. Mine just did it.

1221jamw 11

counselor. Nope iPhone keeps it correct

RainbowHeadache 2

It doesn't spell it correctly on mine. You have to press the x at the top to keep it from auto correcting.

you can tell he didn't spell it right cause it looks like he sounded it out lol

counselor. mine doesn't autocorrect it. and anyway, read what you type before sending!!

moxie0dae 4

who gives a *** if he didn't spell it right. everyone makes mistakes so stfu.

umm. he spelled it counselor which is correct. councillor is a legal council. what's your problem?

RainbowHeadache 2

No the FML was fixed. It was spelled differently before.

xyz700 5

So what if he can't spell it? Why the hell does it matter? It doesn't mean he's stupid. I bet he's a lot better at other things than you all are. Everyone is equally talented, just at different things. He's obviously pretty damn smart if he's the first person to go to college from his high school in so long! Seriously, people, think before you speak. Remember that everything you do and say has a consequence.

flipcrazy 0

Is he pretty damn smart or is everyone else just pretty damn stupid? Or are the school's curriculums flawed? Or do they have a poor teaching staff? Etc, etc.

RainbowHeadache 2

Guidance councilors are usually don't know what the he'll their talking about. Don't listen to her.

RainbowHeadache 2

counselor* stupid phone. and take out that *an And OP you need a period in there.

RainbowHeadache 2

Wouldn't it be a run on sentence or something like that?

RainbowHeadache 2

Well I knew if it didn't have commas it would be a run on, but I haven't been in school in a few years so I couldn't remember if there were any exceptions to it. I was an English whizz in HS but since I graduated I've lost all my knowledge. haha Thank you for that. Don't be rude, Muffin.

RainbowHeadache 2

And long sentences like that have never looked right to me. I normally split it into more than one sentence.

RainbowHeadache 2

I think this is fake. I find it hard to believe it's been so long that NO ONE from your school has gone to college. And the counselors aren't supposed to throw that stuff out

1waytoolive 1

no it's not there are several schools in the Midwest that just teach farmers children which in turn just become farmers again I'm from one of those schools.

TheDrifter 23

Op is from Alberta. It's either a rural school or it's on one of the reservations. Some of the res schools are so bad they have less than a 10% graduation rate. The counsellor is likely more used to teen pregnancy and substance abuse issues than college applications.

crazyin321 0

I was born and raised in Alberta, and I can tell you - BELIEVE IT. completely plausible.

At my school, they had a separate counselor just for college advising. It's crazy and sad that they don't encourage their students to have aspirations after HS. Not everyone has to go to college, but everyone should have the resources available to try if they're so inclined. Fyl, OP. Fyl.

Don't say the FML isn't real I got kicked of for saying that once.

cptmorgan15 2

Oh really, genius? I didn't know retarded could be plural.

lmaoatall 6

haha 20 your right, what about "yours"??

Wow 17,20, and 49, you three missed the joke there.

wendyyyy 0

49 - so it's grammatically incorrect to say "that's yours"?

wendyyyy 0

49 - so it's grammatically incorrect to say "that's yours"?

49 - it would be "you're right" not your right

SpilltMilk2 0

is too, if "yours" and "retardeds" are plural, than the helping verb has to be plural too. So instead of is, replace it with an "are."

It can't be plural. On the other hand, retard can be plural.

Dudes, it was a joke, I was being sarcastic. why doesn't anyone get my humor?!! :'-)

So, get the info elsewhere. Your counselor is not the only source.

iamtwiggyme 0

I agree. OP obviously knows how to use the Internet.

back to school back to school to prove to da da I'm not a fool