
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I learned explosive diarrhea is real. I felt it coming and dashed into our local supermarket. Ten feet in, liquid poo started spewing down my pants' legs. 150 feet to go. I ran. It ran. They watched. After 15 minutes of cleaning, I slunk out. Now, I have to find a new supermarket, maybe a new town. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 628
You deserved it 3 629

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Oh God  I remember when I had really bad diarrhea at Books A Million... Luckily it didn't reach past my underwear when I finally got to the bathroom. Note to people in charge of bathrooms: it is NOT cool when you have to ask for keys to bathrooms. When I gotta go, I GOTTA GO.


ryanr21 0

dude, i am SOOOOO sorry!!!! i would DIE if that ever happened to me. i suggets moving to another continent.

This is one of the few FML's worth the status of FML.

This isn't funny. That straight up sucks.

driedpeaches 0

ok, here's my story, i was horribly sick but was one of the faster runners in my "house" at boarding school. the various houses competed against each other in carnivals a few times a year and i was set to run a relay. Not wanting to miss it I said I was well enough to run, go through about 300 of the 400 meters and my ass exploded, not slowing, i finished my leg. It was the winter carnival so i was wearing a decent amount of clothes and no one knew. There's nothing like walking down a hill a 1/4 mile with rapidly cooling feces running down your legs...

LTMcleod 0

wow, that'd be something that you don't see everyday

paper_tigers 0

That would be quite awesome, also has anyone read Tuckermax? if so doesnt this OP remind you of the hotel lobby? still funny.

needsagf14 12