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Pecking order of shame

By We're men! We don't grow up, we just grow old. - 24/09/2023 02:00 - Philippines - Makati City

Today, a noisy little kid in the bus seated behind me asked his mom loudly, "Why is that big man watching cartoons for girls?" Me and the guy next to me, who too was watching on his phone, paused for a bit. He smirked, shaking his head, laughing under his breath. He was watching anime; I was watching My Little Pony. FML
I agree, your life sucks 204
You deserved it 957

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Honestly, as long as you're not hurting anyone, watch what you like. As long as it makes you happy it doesn't matter who the intended audience was.


Honestly, as long as you're not hurting anyone, watch what you like. As long as it makes you happy it doesn't matter who the intended audience was.

Grown men watching My Little Pony gives off molester vibes…

Grown men are not automatically pedophiles. Stop repeating this bullshit. Men don't have cooties, and aren't inherently evil, any more than women are. This was a key point of feminism for years, and I have no idea how we backslid--men aren't evil and women aren't pure angels sent to control them, we're all just people.

Tell that to the idiots who automatically call gay people groomers and pedophiles.

You can watch what you want! You should have said "I'm an adult so I can do what I want!" then stuck headphones in and ignored them all. You do you. X

If you're an Applejack, you are still a real man, but if you're a Fluttershy, the kid is right! Or so I've heard.