Leave me alone

By emoflowers - 10/04/2012 02:51 - United States - Amarillo

Today, my mother made me see the doctor to see if I had irritable bowel syndrome, on the account of how often I go to the restroom. I then had to admit I only go in there to get away from my family. My doctor thought it was hilarious. My mom didn't. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 533
You deserved it 3 344

Same thing different taste

Top comments

bitch_pleez 10

Haha my little brother does sorta the same thing. He locks himself in the bathroom for a couple hours with a book multiple times a day.


I used to do that, it's stressful living with a bunch of crazies.

A lot of people don't see it, but the bathroom is one of the most peaceful places in the world

That's right. The quiet sounds of flowing water, the sweet scent of Glade, the solitude that brings peace, and sometimes the explosive sounds of diarrh--oh wait.

BAHA. Being a female all these jacking off comments make me smile.

87-Some women ********** too... Just thought I'd let you know...

People will follow you into a bedroom if they want to talk. Most people wouldn't follow you into the bathroom, especially if you're saying you're about to take a dump. It's a much better escape.

22- many kids share rooms with siblings. Can't really lock them out if it's their room too.

Do you have some obsession over jacking off? Chill with the details.

He's just making an observation. If you didn't like it you didn't have to read the duration. Now get outta here before you experience my urination.

Lol this guy. My vote for next president of our nation.

If you want my recommendation, I suggest some serious psychoanalyzation. With your inclination to talk masturbation, you likely have a problem with your ejaculation.

Mmmhm. "alone time" with your 'right hand man'

cc_the_beast 6

Mrs Palmer and her five daughters?

Amity24 6

That sucks I have family problems too