Leave me alone!

By notcool - 15/09/2009 19:45 - United States

Today, I learned that my anxious and obsessive mother is going to drive three hours every weekend to attend a Johns Hopkins medical course on stress reduction. Why is this bad? I just left home for college and have enjoyed my last two weeks of freedom without her around. I attend Johns Hopkins. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 391
You deserved it 3 341

Same thing different taste

Top comments

LadyKaya 0

Wow...I'm a college student, and it would drive me INSANE to have my mother around that much. FYL.

oh god. she probably signed up for the course to spend more time with you. that sucks, I'm so sorry.


whatnow2859 0

oh boohoo, you go to great university and your mom cares about you

Maybe you should be more concerned about your mother's well being.

Hopkins all the way!!!! Go blue jays!

Is there another college that offers her condition that's closer? That's your best bet...

Congratulations on being accepted! Hopefully I might get into John Jopkins math program this summer!

Congrats JHU is impressive. I constantly had family members come up almost every weekend during my first semester in a 4 year college. One even came up during my first weekend. I barely got to experience freedom in college, I feel you.

You my friend have disturbed the balance of "close enough to home if you need it, far enough parents don't visit". Sorry to hear though.