By benander - 15/09/2009 21:14 - United States

By benander - 15/09/2009 21:14 - United States
By scarred for life - 28/05/2016 05:23 - United States - Carmel
By Anonymous - 19/01/2011 05:45 - United States
By what if I'm being eaten from the inside out? oh my god - 05/04/2013 18:51 - Singapore - Singapore
By ouch - 19/12/2009 15:15 - United States
By dire-rear - 16/01/2010 20:19 - Singapore
By mrsekko - 31/05/2011 12:44 - United States
By blowinchunks - 24/11/2009 06:00 - Canada
By Anonymous - 20/08/2022 12:00
By Anonymous - 17/03/2024 21:00 - United Kingdom
By Rob - 16/10/2009 01:59 - France
What did you eat?
this is oone of the nastiest FMLs ever
EWWWW. can't you just pull it out though?
*My tapeworm tells me what to do!* *Pull the tapeworm out of your ass (HEY!)* System of a Down rocks :P
Yeah really, what did OP eat to get a 3 foot tapeworm? /flashes to CSI when the tapeworm crawls out of that guy's mouth //i can only imagine how disgusting it would be to pull a tapeworm out of one's ass ///slashies
i wonder that too. grosssssss
Undercooked salmon.
that has got to be one of the worst ways to find out you have a tapeworm. protip: always fully cook hamburger meat and other grinded up meats
Hilarious indeed.
Na, the tapeworm is usually in the larvae or early stages on the food, so it could even be smaller than a grain of rice. Then when it gets inside of you and starts feeding on your chewed-up food, it starts growing. It's ******* disgusting.
Can't just pull it out, it would just break and segment and you'd still have the head surviving inside you. The only thing that kills it is the medicine. Side note, there are quite a few ways to get a tapeworm, but the most common method is feco-oral contact. Another side note to another reply here; Being a vegetarian doesn't matter, in fact vegetarians have a higher instance of hookworms and thread worms.
OP could have eaten a vary large number of things, any of which undercooked, and containing tape worm larva or eggs could have led to the condition. It is not un-heard of. from Google: Tapeworm infection is acquired by eating raw or undercooked meat of infected animals. Beef generally carry Taenia saginata (T. saginata) while pigs carry Taenia solium (T. solium). In the human intestine, the larvae from the infected meat develop into the adult tapeworm -- which can grow to longer than 12 feet. OP, sounds like you were lucky yours was a weenie tape worm, otherwise you would have been pulling out of your ass an animal over twice your own height. talking about freaking the **** out. On the other hand you could always try to train it to do tricks. That would be the life of any party. "oh yeah, **** your toy poodle, watch what my ass worm can do!"
#138, that just made me lmao. Almost literally :P
ahhh...mental picture!
@256 - read the OP's reply. it was undercooked salmon. but OP never said he prepared the salmon, so it's not necessarily his fault it was undercooked. @138 - *starts drawing*
#138 pretty much rule 34'd that one. Everything is doomed
that trick idea just made my night lol
I was eating cereal when i read this, 200. FML.
omg when my mom was small samethimg happened my granddad pulled it out my mom did the samething wity ten of her sibs
64- You can't just pull them out all at once. They're extremely long and 3 feet was nothing. They break off into pieces.
134- cute baby u got there :P sorry I just had to point tht out
I wonder if op named it "Robbie the magical tapeworm"
That is so disgusting but you should have pulled it out. It's not like anything bad could have happened.
Comment moderated for rule-breaking.
Show it anywaystick the sucker halfway down the toilet and flush! :)
lol good idea
haha ew
I wish I could pull a tapeworm out every time I pood. It's like floss for your inner anus.
if anything was fml-worthy, this would be it.
Yuck. E.R. maybe?
At least you got it out?
thats not actually true, urban myth
Nah, it's true, for most worms anyways. Not all.
What makes you think there is only one of those in there? There could be a whole colony in there. Good thing the OP discovered it before he got too sick.
worms gave multiple hearts. as long as 1 segment has a heart it can regenerate. this is why i never eat raw/ undercooked meat n salmon, even sushi. Not getting f*****g worms. Well done ftw
#288 they dont make u that sick. Just constipated n cramps. I hear some worms have benefits (reaf it in New Scientist) like stopping asthma for the duration of the worms stay.
That would suck.
WHAT THE ****. This NEEDS to be illustrated. I cannot back that enough.
You can't make me do it, even if I was paid. I have standards.
A guy ate food (on purpose) with tapeworm eggs in it (are they eggs? idk) and let it grow. about 2 months later he had a worm removed from his intestines that was huge. Human Biology has taught me some pretty gross stuff :S
I think perhaps the OP meant that the information was very intimate to share, not necessarily that it was about intimacy. Telling someone that a worm came out of your butthole is pretty intimate (as in I'd have to be close to someone to share it), but not in a sexual way.
Comment moderated for rule-breaking.
Show it anywayWell it's not his fault that he didn't want to say "I was taking a crap."
You are a prick. I just thought you should know.
What else was he supposed to say? "Today, a flurry of chocolate McNuggets erupted from my asshole with the fury of Mt. Vesuvius burying Pompeii"?
this comment and replies wins EPICALLY.
You do realize, dspadres, that you spelled "bear" wrong in your post? Kinda ruins your credibility to go bashing other people's English skills when yours are lacking in itself.
Tapeworm would like to battle! Tapeworm sent out itself! Asshole sent out chocolate fudge! Chocolate Fudge used defagate! Aka dspadre Its not very effective! Tapeworm used asshat! ZOMG Critical Hit! It super effective! Asshole fainted and regurgitated Anal Fecal Matter! Asshole Browned Out!
#14 - you clearly aren't as smart as you wanted to make yourself out to be. if you were as smart as the average person, you would realize the term "defecate" is what is scientifically correct, therefore something that is also ok to say in normal conversation... much better than saying "i'm taking a shit or crap" ... idiot.
pretty sure he already knew that and was bagging out the OP for feeling obliged to use the correct terminology rather than some other crude word.
The following people just got trolled by dspadres: Epic_Phailure, kitkatkelly, allmidnighteyes (though your response makes it worth it), nitrous2401, vwe. @LilaBear: bingo.
I know he was trolling, it was pretty obvious that it was. I just needed an excuse to post what I posted :]
This is going to be my Facebook status for the next week. You are amazing.
#25 - I wasn't going to read the comments of this FML. I wanted to forget it and move on. I don't know what possessed me to change my mind, all I know is I'm glad I did.
You, my friend... you are my ultimate hero.
25 , you are ******* hilarious .
I hope you're joking.
I hope to ******* God no one does a comic for this one.
this is oone of the nastiest FMLs ever