Left on read
By Ignored - 11/04/2011 09:39 - United Kingdom
By Ignored - 11/04/2011 09:39 - United Kingdom
By nofriends - 27/08/2009 02:28 - United States
By Anonymous - 21/09/2009 13:28 - Canada
By Kere - 03/02/2011 16:42 - Sweden
By Anonymous - 08/02/2025 09:00 - Canada
By Anonymous - 27/01/2011 02:53 - United States
By Happyforeverx - 25/10/2009 15:30 - United Arab Emirates
By skrumpp - 20/03/2014 16:15
By Anonymous - 14/02/2021 02:02 - United States - Brush Prairie
By Anonymous - 15/04/2011 06:57 - United States
By Anonymous - 02/11/2011 15:15 - United States
what if they're just not around? or can't get to the phone?
all 40 people?? no. op is just apparently a loser
^ haha
haha 53... and op sorry that stinks :(..
40 ppl? suuurrre
op needs to try and find a new group of friends... sounds like you are pretty desperate fit into a group of friends that doesn't share the same interests as you, judging by the way no one can find the time to text you back...who even would want to talk to 40 people at once?
101 - You could be right. My phone is retarded like that. I can receive messages, but most of the time they don't send.
sad! I'm sorry you have no friends.
OP probably just forgot it's Sunday morning and everyone is asleep.
slap all the bitches who didn't reply
Can you say loser! I ask because I have a lisp and it comes out "lother" so I was wondering...agh watever thith ith thupid....
maybe they just have a life and aren't consistantly on the phone!
72 maybe u are one of the people that didn't respond do you want OP to slap you
yes, yes I would
wow your an asshole
lol miss bunny25 your really hot, just saying lmao
I feel for you OP )':
Op you must be hated dude lol
People who get everything seriously are just annoying
And your IQ is great when you spell tomato wrong.
mindfuck. yay :D I love those >:D
boners locked me in the closet again. I slapped him with raw meat. I barely escaped.
Yay brains!
lol agreed OP you're probably one of those people who is always like "Helloooo?" if someone doesn't reply in 5 mins
me too >.>
texting 40 people seems a bit excessive. ur probably like that with everything and that's y ur "friends" don't reply.
they probably all know each other though and know op as "the weirdo/clinger/annoying one"
I'm guessing op does this alot, it could annoying quick.
39 that's what I was going to say I HIGHLY doubt they were all together saying "haha look at this dumbass they think their cool texting us let's not reply and be Jersey Shore douche bags!!"
yeah bitch people got shit to get done its not all about you
did anyone ever consider this might be fake because old phones are deactivated and don't have service? therefore not being able to receive messages? just a thought
“Sent 40 texts... 40 people are ignoring me.” Op meant they sent 1 text to 40 people i think.
Send 40 texts out again saying sorry I thought my phone wasn't working but turns out your ignoring me **** U ALL FAKE BITCHES idk but cussing them out might make them reply
lol no seriously she should get a new number and new friends!
Wow pointless comment!!
You sent 40 txts? You're probably really annoying, I wouldn't reply either!
what if they're just not around? or can't get to the phone?