FML for mobile
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By Anonymous - 27/01/2011 02:53 - United States

Today, I got my phone fixed and the lady who was working on it somehow resent all the old text messages in my outbox. One was to my ex saying, "I love you." FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 113
You deserved it 4 194

Same thing different taste

Play that Blink 182 song

By Mommys boy - 16/08/2024 12:00 - Australia

Today, I got a text from a number I didn’t recognize that said, "I miss you." Assuming it was my mom and her new phone, I replied, "Miss you too, love you!" Turns out it was my new boss, checking to see if I’d be able to work an extra shift. Even though it was her text that was badly worded, I'm now known as the person who declared her love to the boss. FML
I agree, your life sucks 186
You deserved it 391

Top comments long has this been your ex?! I mean seriously who keeps text messages for that long?!? totally your fault

u should have deleted them sooner... but that sucks OP


u should have deleted them sooner... but that sucks OP

therealdavid 0

Say you sent it to the wrong person.

noobgang7 5

Usually old messages are dated if they are re-sent, or will show up as a "duplicate". Besides, it probably sent more than one message back to her, so she might believe you if you tell her what happened

123457 0

first the worst second the bomb diggity long has this been your ex?! I mean seriously who keeps text messages for that long?!? totally your fault

No, the question is why is the the ONLY text to him? Presumably if 50 texts are all sent to him then it would be obvious and easy to explain that all texts were sent.

messages from 2 years ago.. u must have heaps of people texting you haha

dmmcintyre3 8

I still have every text message my phone has sent/received. It's 6 years old.

You two are just meant to be!!! Longest my texts last are like three-four days lol.

OH DARN!!! Because you totally can't tell her exactly what happened just like you did on FML... smh

Just explain to him/her that it was an accident, duh. No need for an FML.

Explain to him the situation. The text messages to and from your ex should be gone by now!

lovexbox 8

Yeah seriously, he/she is an ex for a reason.

MuchDance90s 0

you are both very pretty btw I'm a straight girl so that's purely an observation, mods :-p

I don't think mods particularly care whether you're straight or not.

IHeartJimi02 0

Just text him and explain what happened.