Left out in the cold

By Oh_baby - 10/06/2009 17:35 - United States

Today, I checked Facebook, only to find out that my close cousin is now married. When I looked at the pictures, I saw that my whole family was there - including my sister, mother and father. I was the only one who wasn't invited. FML
I agree, your life sucks 70 077
You deserved it 4 444

Same thing different taste

Top comments

nillawafer 0

That sucks. But what sucks even more is that your parents and sister kept this from you and went anyway, even knowing that she didn't invite you. Then again, maybe the two of you aren't as close as you think you are, especially if she didn't invite you to the wedding? Just something to consider...

fxdxhk90 0

On the bright side, you don't have to buy a wedding gift for them.


DeadManLaughing 0

You know what sucks worse than this. People like #1. Have a fight with your cousin recently?

margaretruns 0

:( are you sure you just wernt out of town or something? 10 :)

MyLyfSuxSoMch 0

That's just ridiculous. What happened to family values? Sorry bud, FYL

nwc020 0

maybe your cousin just doesn't like you

yaintime21 0

Wow, and they didn't even tell you? Now there's a close bond... (also, I moderated this one. :))

Your family sucks. I'd throw acid on them or something

Horurerukul 0

(#1 = fail) That sucks for you :( FYL

fxdxhk90 0

On the bright side, you don't have to buy a wedding gift for them.

Yeah.... what? Why would the rest of your family not inquire about your attendance? Unless they were all under orders to not talk about it with you. In that case really FYL because your cousin didn't want you there AND the rest of your family kept it hidden from you.