Left out

By Anonymous - 12/06/2009 01:15 - Canada

Today, I saw some friends' cars at a friend's house, but thought nothing about it. Then I found pictures on Facebook of the pool party they had as a going away party for my friend, who is leaving the country for three months. I had no idea my friend was leaving, and I was the only one not invited. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 556
You deserved it 5 261

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You're the annoying person in the group that thinks everybody likes him but the rest of the group actually can't stand him, and sometimes even say so, but you don't get it, and continue to believe you're their best friend. FYL!

not much of a friend then. dont let it get to you. there are way better people in this world. you just got to find them


you don't need friends.. **** them all.. don't even let this scenario bother you..

rwarlol 0

agree with number 3 or just b/c s/he added you on facebook or talk to you every once and awhile doesn't mean you guys are friends. god i hate losers that adds me and think we're friends. get a life man. ydi

Your life is ******, people can be so cruel.

ziqi92 0

yeah, i can tell how much this sucks. but...why werent u invited? its unbelievably rude of them...i mean, often i get left out of these breakfast outings my friends host for no reason :(

SluttyMcNugget 0

just cause you met them once doesn't automatically mean they're your friends....they probably don't even know who you are.

Every Group has someone in the group they secretly hate. Take a hint.

c3ns0r3dn4m3 0

this reminds me of an FML where this girl's cousin had a wedding and everyone went except her...

rixbury 0

Dude, you didn't know your friend was leaving? Obviously, you weren't "friends" then. You are lame.

FMLwrestler 0

I second #3. Get in better shape, learn to attract women, and become more fun to be around. Instead of relying on the group, make the group want to be around you because you are desirable and bring good things to the group. Then you will be "in"! Also, if you don't even talk to the people enough to know what's going on... you're retarded. How did you actually think you were friends, if that happened? Just saying.