Left out

By Anonymous - 12/06/2009 01:15 - Canada

Today, I saw some friends' cars at a friend's house, but thought nothing about it. Then I found pictures on Facebook of the pool party they had as a going away party for my friend, who is leaving the country for three months. I had no idea my friend was leaving, and I was the only one not invited. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 556
You deserved it 5 261

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You're the annoying person in the group that thinks everybody likes him but the rest of the group actually can't stand him, and sometimes even say so, but you don't get it, and continue to believe you're their best friend. FYL!

not much of a friend then. dont let it get to you. there are way better people in this world. you just got to find them


sounds like my life, it's okay :) just everyone thinks i'm always with my boyfriend, which i'm actually rarely with.

peopleplz2008 0
DeadMansCrack 4

I'm guessing you're the annoying prick who tries to be friends with everyone by buying them good and telling tasteless jokes. You sicken me.YDI

Omg I know! I hate finding out stuff like that thru facebook makes me feel so depressed!!

The same exact thing happened to me, except for that my best friend was actually moving away forever. :[

oothatkindasucks 0

I have a "friend" like you. She never invites me to anything, talks to me unless I talk to her first, or makes any effort at all in our "friendship," but then if I plan something and don't invite her she gets pissed. If you did not know your friend was gonna be gone for 3 months, than you are a crappy friend and don't deserve to be invited.

This girl at my school had her sweet 16 three days after my birthday.. she 1. only said "Happy Birthday" to me on my birthday 2. Invited all my friends, but me to her birthday 3. spent two weeks talking only about her party and showing off all her pictures and giving people presents in school 4. talks to me every single day, but has the nerve not to invite me to her birthday party AND her birthday is actually in AUGUST! I know EXACTLY how you feel and I'm sorry :/ it sucks.

samgo27 0

this sucks, dude. I agree with #3 in that there are definitely people who think they have friends but don't. but I also don't think you are one of these people. it could have been a simple misunderstanding or it could just be that your friends are a-holes. in that case, I would advise you to get new friends.