Just no, stop

By Anonymous - 01/04/2023 00:00

Today, I’m on my fifth miscarriage in nine years so we’ve had to decide to stop trying. Ever since we stopped, my mother in law is blaming me for giving her no grand-babies and uses every opportunity to try convince my husband to divorce me and marry a real, “fertile” woman. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 792
You deserved it 122

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It depends on your Husband’s relationship with OP and his mother. Frankly MIL sounds so obsessed on this subject that if she were my mother I’d simple refuse to deal with her at all because what she wants has nothing at all to do with her Son’s happiness and is unrealistically focused on some weird displaced maternal instinct having to do with grandchildren… OP, I recommend ignoring your toxic MIL. Unless OP’s husband is deeply tied to her apron strings, she’s only going to cause her son to avoid contact with her - And for good reason! … There are only two people whose opinions count in a marriage - the married couple themselves. Nut job MIL’s get no say at all. The only one you really need to to communicate with is your husband - What is best for the two of you. You can adopt if you both want children but are unable to have them otherwise. Adoption is not without issues, but children tend to force an adjustment no matter who’s DNA they carry.

First of all, that sucks. Second, I’m curious how the husband is handling this. At this moment, he would be entirely in the right to flat-out tell his Birthgiver to go **** herself. I can only hope the two of you can get away from her.


It depends on your Husband’s relationship with OP and his mother. Frankly MIL sounds so obsessed on this subject that if she were my mother I’d simple refuse to deal with her at all because what she wants has nothing at all to do with her Son’s happiness and is unrealistically focused on some weird displaced maternal instinct having to do with grandchildren… OP, I recommend ignoring your toxic MIL. Unless OP’s husband is deeply tied to her apron strings, she’s only going to cause her son to avoid contact with her - And for good reason! … There are only two people whose opinions count in a marriage - the married couple themselves. Nut job MIL’s get no say at all. The only one you really need to to communicate with is your husband - What is best for the two of you. You can adopt if you both want children but are unable to have them otherwise. Adoption is not without issues, but children tend to force an adjustment no matter who’s DNA they carry.

I'm always amazed at how amazingly selfish some people are. **** her, all she is showing is that she should be ignored and avoided. I hope that this brings you and your husband closer together.

First of all, that sucks. Second, I’m curious how the husband is handling this. At this moment, he would be entirely in the right to flat-out tell his Birthgiver to go **** herself. I can only hope the two of you can get away from her.

I am so sorry, OP. What a horrible woman. I hope your husband tells her to leave the both of you alone from now on. Go no contact from her immediately; block her on everything.

Chiefanatic 2

The woman actually is very selfish & self-involved. I’d say that this isn’t about you. Her behavior is abhorrent!

That is messed up on a million levels. My God, five miscarriages? That's terrible, I'm so sorry. :( I really hope your husband is taking your side and not his mother's. There is no way this is your fault, and she's a total bitch for even suggesting such a thing.