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Let people believe

By Anonymous - 02/01/2021 16:58

Today, I told a friend I had become more religious lately. He immediately started mocking me for being a 'stupid creationist bigot'. When I told him how offensive that was, he acted bewildered and started condescendingly lecturing me about how 'science has proven God does not exist'. FML
I agree, your life sucks 911
You deserved it 821

Same thing different taste

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Science can't really prove a negative. It has shown that a lot of the "science" of the Bible is wrong. Creationism, the geocentric universe and the young Earth have all been thoroughly disproven. You can't scientifically prove that something doesn't exist because you don't yet have evidence of it. However, you might say the author of so much junk science is really not on top of things.

tounces7 27

On the other hand, the shadiest, most underhanded, and most dishonest people I know are religious leaders.


Science can't really prove a negative. It has shown that a lot of the "science" of the Bible is wrong. Creationism, the geocentric universe and the young Earth have all been thoroughly disproven. You can't scientifically prove that something doesn't exist because you don't yet have evidence of it. However, you might say the author of so much junk science is really not on top of things.

No, the Bible has not been proven to be wrong.

Richard here provided you with a few of the things that were proven wrong. That is called "proof", and it's required to prove a point. You, sir, failed at that.

Sounds like religion is a sore subject for your friend. Thing is religion doesn't have to he 100% accurate to still have values. People often find community, direction, support. Some of the kindest. Smartest, most successful people i know are religious and they don't get hung up on the iffy technical details because that's not really what its about.

tounces7 27

On the other hand, the shadiest, most underhanded, and most dishonest people I know are religious leaders.

True, I think in any community religious or not corruption can be a problem. Televangelist esspically seem to be manufactured explicitly to take advantage of people.

"People often find community, direction and support", all the things you need to go to war in the name of your God

That’s a tough subject - Some people use religion as an excuse to shut down the logical part of their brain. And there are enough religious bigots out there that we don’t need anymore. On the other hand, without hope and personal values life can be a dreary existence. Many people find that hope and those personal values though religion. Religion is not a single answer, all in one experience. What’s important is how you apply it to your own life - That’s the only life you really have any control over.

IME, the "becoming more religious" people are some of the most annoying, self-righteous, shove it down your throat, did I say annoying? people I've ever met.

I'm sure you shut down his condescension with your rational and objective reasons for believing in an invisible, undetectable transcendent being?

I, for one, am convinced that there is no god. I also know for a scientific fact that any god described thus far doesn't exist, as you can scientifically disprove many things in every single religious belief's core texts and legebds, , making their whole concept inherently wrong. But your friend is still an asshole for dismissing you like that, with such condescension (if you came to him not being an insufferable preacher, of course). You shouldn't be despicable to someone based on their beliefs.

This is the unfortunate irony of those who are most vocally anti-theist. They love to point out how bigoted, emotional, and irrational religious people are while being completely oblivious to how they are acting themselves. Science does not provide fact, its an important tool to help us understand the facts. That understanding can change when new information is available. Modern science cannot provide a direct answer on the existence of God, because it relies on our limited senses. All major religions agree God exists outside of these senses. As the same old 'religion being the heart of all problems'. Any truly objective person can see that is nonsense. Religion plays little part in modern political life yet we still have the same problems. In fact some of the greatest challenges mankind has ever faced (world wars, climate change) has nothing to with religion. Even the modern and historical conflicts associated with religions have much more to do with social and political factors then religion. All in all, know that this is human nature. Bigots are everywhere under every name, just as are the kindest.