By so pray to ariel about it, dipshits - 30/11/2012 19:29 - United Kingdom - Edinburgh
Same thing different taste
By Idontbelieveinmagic - 17/06/2013 05:42 - United States - Las Vegas
By babysitter - 26/03/2009 03:45 - United States
Rude but fair
By BeverlyC - 29/11/2021 08:00
By Shamu - 27/02/2011 19:28 - United States
Let people believe
By Anonymous - 02/01/2021 16:58
Shipping culture
By Anonymous - 07/03/2022 14:00
By Abby_gummibear - 19/03/2011 21:04 - United States
By fakelaugher - 20/12/2010 03:41 - United States
By WhyThankYou - 26/07/2013 05:31 - Lebanon - Beirut
Identity politics
By Anonymous - 21/04/2022 10:00 - United States
Top comments
They actually did exist. They went extinct sometime in the 1500s.
Same with the unicorns.
...but beware Cthulhu.
Next thing, OP will be saying that witches, wizards and leprechauns don't exist! Completely absurd!
12-LIES! Dragons still exist in Skyrim! I saw them myself, but then I took a... Cab to the nearest port and got the **** out of Tamriel.
Seems like the OP failed at logic, because its pretty damn likely that someone who believes in mermaids exists.
Have you seen the show "Mermaids: The Body Found"?!? It's scary proof that mermaids did exist at some point and it's highly possible they still exist today.
Yea, being all female has that effect on a species.
no theyre not extinct. you other idiots, do some research. atlantis & lemuria existed, atlantis still may buy kept off the maps. atlantis was at war with athens. the maya & egyptians & babylonians traded with atlantus, lemuria was an andvanced civilization before atlantis & thats were a number of nephilim children died. it was in the indian ocean. mermaids most certainly existed & still do. mythology isnt fake, its based on a kot of truth. mermaids were even mentioned in egyotian & babylonian txts. they may be a genetic creation like **** salian sapians, a hybrid humanoid.
Yeah. They were all believers in a master-race, so they forced each other to breed for aryan characteristics - that's why they're all sexy and blonde. Unfortunately, they ended up so inbred that they died out from ALL the syndromes. Hitler invented the dugong thing to avoid people associating aryanism with a bunch of dumb mermaids. So sad.
Of course mermaids exist.
No they don't.
Um have you not seen Little Mermaid or The Thirteenth Year on Disney? That's enough for me to believe they exists; or they wouldn't make movies about it :)
They don't exist. There isn't even a possibility of it. Not any chance. There is a 0.000000000000000000% chance they exist.
I'm starting to wonder if sense of humor exists now too ...
75- you could have simply said 0% and saved a lot of time
Don't tell me mermaids don't exist until you've explored the whole ocean.
I don't need to explore the world to discover that you're a dumbass.
I don't need to explore the world to discover that you're a dumbass.
Question, I never got how a mermaid and merman made a merbaby. My parents just keep telling that merpeople don't exist, but they also said that about the Easter bunny, tooth fairy, and big foot so I know they are liars
Yes 95. I'm the dumbass. Whatever you say... You can't take half a fish and half a human and make them one. Ask any biology person, preferably phd people, and see what they say.
It actually left me pretty creeped out. That
Well I don't think there's anything wrong with condemning wrong beliefs, how else can a society progress? I'm all for half-believing in crypto-zoology, but anyone who knows anything about biology knows you can't stick a fish ass on a pretty girl and have a viable species. :P
33- While I see your point, is it really harming anyone that a small percentage of the world's population might believe in Mermaids? I could see condemning people for disagreeing with tried & true facts, but a simple, silly belief? It's similar to condemning those who believe in God, reincarnation, etc. We don't have proof whether or not they truly exist. I just think it's silly to "dump" your friends over something this petty.
Her friends sound like idiots. I think it's stupid her friends were condemning her for pointing out they are idiots. It's obvious mermaids doubt exist.
Please explain to me how they are different then.
Sorry, I don't see the difference between believing in God(s) and believing in mermaids.
I've seen enough movies to know they exist.
No they don't.
There's about 10 little things I could mention as evidence for their existence, but something that usually intrigues people is that a video of a mermaid was allegedly posted on, but if you visit the website you'll see that the government has sanctioned the page and removed its content. I also would like to point out that I'm not some oddball and I don't blindly believe in any mythical creatures, it's just interesting to think about.
73- why did you post that comment on two different comments?
92, how are those government conspiracies going there? Because every Internet video is real...there isn't photoshop, costumes, and all the tools to fake anything. Nahhhh nothing like that exists.
lol, 121 shut the **** up. all you've been doing is spouting the same crap each comment. does it really tick you off that people accept the possibility of something "mythical" (or some form of it) being real? do you dream of merpeople and cry at night? do peopwe with fish taiws scawe you? aww, poorbabywannacookie?
Comment moderated for rule-breaking.
Show it anywayHuh? The World Champion Chicago Cubs don't exist.
Don't worry 47, I'm with you.
I was going to say something mean but I had time to edit so I won't ...
No, no. Santa IS real. Don't you dare tell me he isn't.
Proud to be from NY and have the yanks
I'm not against this, but seeing isn't believing, just because we haven't seen it doesn't mean it's not there.
Woah, don't talk about my cubbies.
isn't that the first rule of cub club?
How can you say they don't exist considering we haven't explored about 80% of our oceans. For all we know Atlantis and Bikini Bottom could exist
Yeah, it's exactly because of that unknown quantity that it's stupid for anyone to believe they exist, because there's no evidence one way or the other. Honestly. -_-
So Bikini Bottom exists in Bikini Lagoon after all the bombs dropped.
Well, when you really think about you can't definitely prove that something doesn't exist.
If you're not making the claim, then the burden of proof doesn't rest with you. Onus is on the believer.
34- *Mr. Krabs
*NOT TALKING CHEESE. Talking sponge. Get your facts Straight.
39, that was the point of her comment
9 isn't real. Tacos are fireproof.
But I'm reading this. Does this mean I am you?
I don't know about that. The little mermaid made me cry, and make believe things never make me cry.
First, I love your name. Second, I feel your pain. (Hey, that kinda rhymed! No? Okay). A girl I know still believes in vampires, and she's 17.
That's cause they do
HP- that's because she wants to believe that a pale gentleman will save her from a wayward van. Silly fangirl.
vampires are real to an extent. I had a friend who was brainwashed by his parents. the whole family truely believes their vampires. they drink blood and everything. Do they really exist? no,but people do believe they are really vampires. nice little story there.
People who can drain psychic energy from others' bodies MAY exist, but look at the subject matter: psi energy is little more than pseudo-science to begin with. The Hollywood blood-suckers we all know, however, are no more than imaginative products of religious dogma and outdated superstitions. The only reason 113's friend's parents believed they were vampires were because they believed their own little fantasy that they conjured. They would not require drinking another's blood for sustenance. Not saying I'm disagreeing with you, 113. :)
breaking news: mermaids do not exist because this guy is to narrow-minded to believe in them. what will come up missing next? will the madness end? stay tuned

They actually did exist. They went extinct sometime in the 1500s.
Same with the unicorns.