Life comes at you fast

By Anonymous - 22/10/2023 00:02

Today, I watched a video my ex-girlfriend posted. It was a cute little video of her three children playing at a park. She’s happily married. Meanwhile, I haven’t had a girlfriend since we broke up… 12 years ago. FML
I agree, your life sucks 338
You deserved it 630

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Time for some serious introspection as to why that is.

Maybe quit following your ex-girlfriend? You probably exude creeper vibes which is ruining your chances to find someone new. That should dissipate if you quit creepy behavior.


Time for some serious introspection as to why that is.

Maybe quit following your ex-girlfriend? You probably exude creeper vibes which is ruining your chances to find someone new. That should dissipate if you quit creepy behavior.