Life goals

By efmylife - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I threw a paper ball into a recycling bin backwards. I don't know what's more sad: the fact that that was my highlight of my life, or I had been attempting to make that shot every day for three years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 227
You deserved it 7 299

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should have yelled out "SCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORE!!!" after you got it in.

Good for you man. Not many people can do that.


why's this an fml? This sounds like a good highlight of your day. not sad

hazardharry 0

Highlight of your life? Really? YDI.

lifeislife_fml 0

WHOA. I was thinking this exact thing, word for word, and then I saw your comment. So here it is again: Highlight of your life? Really? YDI.

Now that u made the shot, what u gunna do now? (says my mum)

invisiblerabbit 0

ask a stat major, s/he will be better qualified to answer this question.. but every day for 3 years man, that's quite bad

You need a hobby. Or a girlfriend Or a boyfriend Or both Your choice

ude probly make that shot in less then everyday for 3 years

u know that's so pathetic it's not even funny... I'm completley serious too

Look on the bright side, you can follow your newfound calling and make it big in the NBA!

ElNegroHombre 0

If this was true it'd be pretty sad. I can do that in probably 3-5 tries.