Life hacks for kids

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my daughter learned that if she rips a toy out of its package in front of a store employee, mommy will be forced to buy it. She now has two new toys today. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 477
You deserved it 11 660

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And today you need to learn how to discipline your child.

Just pay and leave the toys in the shop. Also punish her for being a brat.


Epickitty58 29

And now she will not be allowed to play with those toys until she's 15 and prefers playing with boys instead of Barbies.

Hmm.. NEver thought of that before.. Dammit.

Don't give her the toy. Donate it to charity and don't let her have the other toy either.

I have read a thousand or more of these posts and this is the first one I felt compelled to respond to. I don't even know how old it is. If that had been my daughter, she would have had no toys, and the Salvation Army, YMCA, etc, would have had two new toys. Carry on.

well I think you should lock the toys up in a safe or bank vault and not give them to her untill she has earned them back by doing chores and other good behaviours. that way it wont emotionally hurt the child too badly nor will it give the child a chance too excat revenge on another child for taking away their toy or waste money. i see it as if you give a toy to another child infront of them it may cause the child to lash out. i see what im suggesting as the fairest solution to all parties.

Forced to pay for it, not forced to give it to her. I say stop at the goodwill and donate those new toys and then when you get home, take away 2 toys she already has. Otherwise, you might as well resign yourself to a lifetime of her ruling you.

gatorgirl7563 22

It better be: she has "two new toys that she's allowed to LOOK AT but NOT PLAY with until she has earned them through good behavior"!!!!! Or she will become a little monster who either can't be let into a store without being watched like a hawk or who a lonely little girl who's always being left at home.

Honestly, if my daughter did that, then when we got home I'd immediately throw the toy away. After a few times, she'll probably learn that isn't the way to get new toys.

And that's when I would buy the toy and then donate it to goodwill of Salvation Army or something.