Life hacks for kids

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my daughter learned that if she rips a toy out of its package in front of a store employee, mommy will be forced to buy it. She now has two new toys today. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 477
You deserved it 11 660

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And today you need to learn how to discipline your child.

Just pay and leave the toys in the shop. Also punish her for being a brat.


QueenofKhaosity 2

Using any form of violence on kids (including spanking) can lead to problems. Instead of behaving for fear of pain, they could take it to mean that violence is OK. -cue "nature versus nurture" debate- Personally, I was the second kind of kid - I hit back, and though I received several bloody noses and sore bums, it just served to make everyone in the house angry. I still have discipline problems to this day but mostly, I learned about acceptable behavior from watching my peers and how their actions were judged by other kids and, especially, adults. I'm not actually sure what my parents could have really done. Maybe if they'd led by example instead of the old "do as I say not as I do", I would have heeded them, but my father intentionally swearing, not only in front of me, but also when talking to me, and then using violence on me for imitating him - how is that fair? Tl;dr - OP, I don't think you should let her keep the toys; do what someone else on this thread has already suggested and pretend to throw the toys away, but donate them instead. IMHO, that was the best solution all 'round.

Mommy should throw those toys in the fireplace or feed them to the garbage truck monster.

madgrinchhatter 12

Don't let her keep them! Just tell her you have to donate them because you're not going to reward that behavior.

I would have made her give it away!!!

Well... you should have offered the toys to charity as a punishment and if she ever does that again stop taking her to shop with you. If she can't see or touch the toys she can't rip them right? When I was little I used to love go shopping with my parents even when they didn't buy me anything. Not being abble to go with them was one of the things that ruined my day here and there.

Just take the toy away from her until she can learn better behavior.

If she tries that again, the moment you go home, throw them away and say, "Mommy will buy the toys since you ripped them out of their packaging, but Mommy wont keep them."

You need to learn to discipline, of you're going to end up with an entitled brat. Take those toys, and maybe a few others for good measure, and take her with you so she can watch you donate them to a charity of some sort. She will learn.

FML ! I would be you, i would keep them away from her 'til Christmas and then give them as presents to friends' kids or charity in front of her (so she would understand that she don't deserve them). She would remember her pain/deception : Best punishment ever !

Don't give the toys to her, it's as simple as that.