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Little wins matter

By Anonymous - 22/12/2020 14:06

Today, after our Christmas plans got cancelled because of COVID, to make ourselves feel better we made travel plans somewhere else, which also turned into a red zone the night before our departure, we are now going out for breakfast as our highlight of the year. Thankfully they are open. FML
I agree, your life sucks 403
You deserved it 1 216

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If it was only your life you choose to put at risk I would agree with you. But you risk your life and everyone’s life you come in contact with. Or do you not know how virus’ work?

You guys shouldn’t have been wanting to travel in the first place because of COVID.


You guys shouldn’t have been wanting to travel in the first place because of COVID.

Kraths 16

Is it unsafe to travel during the pandemic, yes, but alot of places don't actively has measurements that strictly forbid traveling. There are group limits and other restrictions, but people should be free to travel without having someone jump down their throats about it. If they're adults and know the risk let them be it's their life, not yours.

If it was only your life you choose to put at risk I would agree with you. But you risk your life and everyone’s life you come in contact with. Or do you not know how virus’ work?

While I sympathize with the desire to travel (and see family and loved ones) this season, that is exactly the wrong thing to do now! There is a flare up in COVID-19 and the risks of getting or spreading the disease is too high to be traveling or getting together with people you are not with at home. About half the people who get it don’t show symptoms but they can spread the germs to people who will get sick.

sarahcroy20 12

Seriously people. What part of pandemic do you not understand? This is one of the reasons the pandemic is out of control. We all need to make sacrifices and stay home!!! More than 300 thousand people have died!

mickymoose1 15

Nearly 1.7 million worldwide. 3x the amount of people who died during the Spanish flu and we have far better medical knowledge and technology than they had in 1918.

Better to lose one Christmas than all of them.

This sounds like OP is Aussie, pretty much the whole of Aus is Covid free except for this new outbreak in Sydney (the only red zone in Aus). So it sounds like OP's frustration is because out of anywhere in Aus for an outbreak to happen, it was the one place OP was planning to go.

You absolutely deserved your trip getting cancelled during g this pandemic. How selfish of you. Stay home!