By Anonymous - 20/12/2010 09:27 - Sweden
Same thing different taste
Happy Holidays
By Alone - 27/12/2020 13:58 - Italy
Merry Christmas
By Anonymous - 19/12/2023 14:00 - United Kingdom - Doncaster
By homeless4Christmas - 24/12/2009 05:54 - New Zealand
It's a Christmas… Anticlimax
By Lexie - 25/12/2021 23:01 - United States - Las Vegas
By mylifesucks - 02/12/2009 01:32 - United States
By MrsGrinch - 07/12/2018 14:00
Little wins matter
By Anonymous - 22/12/2020 14:06
By Flopera - 12/05/2018 05:00
By sneeuwbal - 25/12/2014 18:36 - Belgium - Dilbeek
Xmas stress
By Anonymous - 25/11/2022 06:00 - Germany
Top comments
have a party get drunk and laid
Sounds ******* awesome to be honest. I'd take your place OP.
Sweden in the summer is a very different place than Sweden in the winter. When you were there, it was warm and sunny most of the day. Now it's cold, snowy, and dark most of the time. If OP lives far enough north I'm pretty sure its 24 hours darkness there right now.
31, you're from Romania... of course you think that, you're from a 3rd world country. you've probably never been here. all this luxury would make you feel inferior. it makes sense to me, poor guy.
#44 you need to go mch further north to get 24 hour darkness than where op's from :P
Op that's sucks! Jag alskar dig (I think) Op you should ride there on a flying monkey, they're very reliable. (:
I love everyone.
troll.. I love you.
Well I love you both (: Tack, kärlek, but I'll have to stick with English.. My knowledge of Swedish is very limited.
Haha I had to look up the spelling on that last one :P My moms Danish so I know I tiny bit of that and even less in Swedish (:
Spreekt u het Nederlands?
Ja, inte så ofta man ser en fml från sverige ^_^
#102 Nä absolut inte, blev faktiskt väldigt överraskad när jag såg att det stog Sweden. Haha , det händer inte så ofta. :)
that sux
oh kesha.. you're so respectful.
look on the bright side, at least it will be quiet and peaceful
OP, as an American, take it from me - you aren't missing much...
WHAAAAAT?! this is my opinion (kind of a fact, too). USA is the best country in the world, I've traveled to various other countries and I currently live in spain and I don't see why so much want to visit Europe, I would give anything to be able to go back! but that's just me :3
25 - You'd give anything to go back because that's where your family and memories are I'd wager? Everyone always misses where they spent the most time and had the most happy memories. People like traveling because they get to experience a new culture and explore a new place. I went to Japan a few years ago and I want to live there, that's how much I love it lol. OP, I understand you wanted to visit a new place. Sorry it didn't happen.
It really depends on where you go #10
With froends like that, who needs enoemies?
man that ladys a retard
oh well family holiday times are over rated! seriously use Skype... have them put it on there and place the screen at the spot u would've sat at and then u can participate and it will be the next beat thing to being there in the flesh! We have done that many times when my husband had been overseas....we carry the lap top around and he gets to see and talk to everyone!

OP, as an American, take it from me - you aren't missing much...
Ahh, ain't that a downer. Oh well, make the best of it? :)