Livin' the dream

By Anonymous - 30/10/2024 00:00 - Germany - Frankfurt am Main

Today, I’m finally on the very expensive dream trip I’ve been planning for months and… I have a debilitating migraine that’s making me bed-ridden. FML
I agree, your life sucks 484
You deserved it 63

Same thing different taste

Top comments

d j mom 8

that really stinks but I hate to say that if you're prone to migraines, you should have prepared with some medication. that is unless there is nothing that helps... then it double stinks.

Thanks for reminding me to always choose refundable options for the planes and hotels for my next trip!


d j mom 8

that really stinks but I hate to say that if you're prone to migraines, you should have prepared with some medication. that is unless there is nothing that helps... then it double stinks.

Thanks for reminding me to always choose refundable options for the planes and hotels for my next trip!