By BoBandy - 15/08/2018 14:30

Today, I finally went to the hospital for a week-long migraine. A few Saturdays ago I went to the park to play frisbee with my friends and coworkers. While climbing a fence, I fell and hit my head twice. Turns out I have a severe concussion and a swollen brain. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 683
You deserved it 899

Same thing different taste

Top comments

chessu 21

While you don't deserve being concussed, you're definitely not the brightest in the box if you waited a week to go see a doctor for a severe headache after hitting your head. Twice.

You imbecile, you HIT YOUR HEAD TWICE and didn’t GO TO THE HOSPITAL?


DMA 11

“While climbing a fence”? You should try to sue, OP. It sounds like somebody wasn’t properly maintaining their fence so it’d be easy for trespassers to climb! The nerve of some people…

Zekfen 17

You should start walking around saying: My brain is so hung my skull can hardly contain it. Or: my brain is hung like a horse.

chessu 21

While you don't deserve being concussed, you're definitely not the brightest in the box if you waited a week to go see a doctor for a severe headache after hitting your head. Twice.

thatslifeiguess7 16

You imbecile, you HIT YOUR HEAD TWICE and didn’t GO TO THE HOSPITAL?

corky1992 33

Yeah I’m gonna say you’re not the brightest. That sucks about the concussion but you should have gotten seen sooner for a head injury.