Long list

By Unfortunate - 02/06/2021 16:00 - United States - Anchorage

Today, my boyfriend and I broke up after two years of dating. So far this year, I sprained my wrist, my dog died, my best friend of 6 years ended our friendship, I was diagnosed with PMDD, my cat died, I had an ovarian cyst rupture, and I got turned down for every job I applied for. Only 7 more months to go… FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 502
You deserved it 133

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm sorry for all of that. A complete tragedy. Things will turn up for you again. You're tough to still be here after enduring so much pain. Don't let this world keep you on your knees, and the sun shall shine on you again.

dowhyc 1

I'm sooo sorry and I have PMDD it truly sucks.. meds and therapy have saved me


dowhyc 1

I'm sooo sorry and I have PMDD it truly sucks.. meds and therapy have saved me

bleachedraven 14

Maybe you've gotten your share of bad luck overwith 🤣

I'm sorry for all of that. A complete tragedy. Things will turn up for you again. You're tough to still be here after enduring so much pain. Don't let this world keep you on your knees, and the sun shall shine on you again.

Oh man, that sounds like an insanely tough few months. I’m sorry that you are having to endure the losses of pets and friendships at the same time as having to deal with major health issues. Just know that you will be stronger for going through all of this and This Too Shall Pass.