Stones in glass houses
By alynna007 - 02/01/2013 10:31 - United States - Lakewood
By alynna007 - 02/01/2013 10:31 - United States - Lakewood
By Anonymous - 05/11/2012 11:36 - United States
By Anonymous - 24/08/2009 11:33 - Romania
By fuck you, mum - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United Kingdom
By TabbyCat87 - 13/01/2016 00:16 - United States - Lamar
By marryinghimanyway - 29/08/2013 02:21 - Australia - Brisbane
By Stupendous_ - 03/12/2012 07:17 - Canada - Edmonton
By MySisterIsA - 10/03/2022 00:01
By TearfulDaughter - 19/01/2011 17:45 - United States
By lovekills99 - 19/01/2009 17:59 - Canada
By Anonymous - 08/10/2019 12:00
31 - My parents have been married for 17 years and have been engaged with each other for 19 years. My mom was married at eighteen and was engaged at 16 but they're still stronger than ever! Really, in this day and age I think marriage isn't taken as seriously as it was back then. Nowadays, people take divorce as an option before even married!
38 Remember the FML where the girl got engaged to a guy that another girl liked.. The only reason she said yes was because "If it doesn't work out I can just divorce him.."
not a hippocrite. just has never looked into a dictionary
"Really, in this day and age I think marriage isn't taken as seriously as it was back then." Ugghhh, I hate the 'marriage was a more serious matter in the past!' comments, yet they keep appearing on every marriage-related FML. You know what, I'm reading The Canterbury Tales right now and there's one story about a woman who was married five times, all while that book was written in the 14th century. The past isn't better, it's just different.
63 - THANK YOU. I feel like divorce is just more acceptable now then it was. People were just as unhappy in marriages back in the day then they are now.
Societal/family pressure and the average woman's inability to support herself was the only reason divorces were less common back in the day (and the legality of the matter in Catholic countries). Not only that, but life expectancy was shorter; it's easier to roll over next to a man you hate every morning and say to yourself "I'll stick it out till the plague comes back-he's bound to get it this time around." Nowadays you look at a hated spouse and it's "ugh, fifty more years of this? No thank you."
Apparently you're not reading very closely because the Wife of Bath only remarried after being widowed each time. Having a husband die and remarrying is very different from divorcing and remarrying
Is OP's mum a distant relative of the Kardashians? Coz that'll really explain everything.
I remember that one. I miss the days when marriages lasted or decades; When couples truly loved each other and were prepared to take a pledge that would last their whole lifetime.
Don't even waste any emotion on that woman's opinion of marriage, because if she is getting married for a fifth time she clearly has no idea what it takes to make a relationship work and she's probably just jealous that you've actually made yours last for several years now. What you should do is tell her that at the rate she's going soon she'll have been married more times than the number of years you've had in one marriage already :)
95 - when the hell were those days? Marrying for love is a very new novelty. Most marriages over the course of history were forced on the woman or the woman and man due to politics or money.
She had a wrong idea of what marriage is obviously
Or.. The real meaning of marriage is to have a lot of really short loveless ones!
Then don't take her seriously, it's obvious her idea of marriage is vastly different from yours.
Honestly she reminds me of Larry king, who I believe has been married 7 times, saying that gay people would ruin the sanctity of marriage. ******* idiots
Ignore your mom. Clearly *she* has no concept of what "marriage" really means--unless she thinks it means you trade in your spouse for a new model when it shows flaws. Congrats on your 7th anniversary. I hope you have many more happy years.
Sounds a lot like jealousy to me!
I don't get the difference.
Ah ok, the difference is subtle. Jealousy requires a feeling of resentment then.
NoorFML is right, I used the wrong word.
Well from the FML, it seems like the mom is full of resentment, so I don't see why jealousy doesn't apply.
RedPillSucks's definition of envy is accurate enough, but the definition of jealousy is not, and the difference between them is not so subtle. Jealousy involves resentment, but it's of something that you value and fear losing (like a relationship). It's not anger over what somebody else has, it's what YOU have. To be fair, though, this is a VERY common misconception. Therefore, the mother is not jealous in this situation, but I'll bet my bottom dollar that she's envious.
Eg: I jealously guard that ring of mine/ I envy that ring belonging to my friend
She's just jealous, OP. Congrats on your (not failing) marriage. c:
Be happy that your mom's idea of a successful marriage isn't the same as yours. Make that your toast at her wedding reception...
What a hypocrite!
Don't mind her, she seems to think marriage is about quantity and not quality.