Look where you're going, dude

By balancestrikesagain - 24/04/2009 09:37 - United States

Today, I was getting onto an airplane and happened to admire the stewardess. I was walking onto the plane and was just about to talk to her when my foot slipped into the crack between the boarding ramp and the plane. Not only did she laugh as I limped to my seat but now I have bruised nuts. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 474
You deserved it 10 800

Same thing different taste

Top comments

poolshark 0

I've always wondered if people ever fall/get stuck there... same goes for the space between boats and the dock.

Why'd you let that stop you? It would be an interesting conversation starter, falling through the crack between the plane and the boarding ramp.


How badly did they park the plane?? I've never seen people fall through the crack...seems like they would get a lot of lawsuits from that.

blazin_b 0

It's kinda funny. If you would've laughed at yourself, maybe you could've picked her up

wow, that sucks. but shouldn't you know never ever to cross that crack between the ramp and the plane without watching your step?

linguica 0

BS. Boarding ramps are REQUIRED BY LAW to be a certain maximum distance away from the plane. Next time you board a plane look for the big signs around the joystick controls saying that it MUST be no more than 4 inches or so away from the plane fuselage.

taureau139 0

This is fake.. no way the gap was big enough for you to fall through, and if it were big enough then how did you stop midway and hit your balls?? you wouldve gone completely through

I'm gonna have to call BS. The gap simply isn't large enough to fall through and get caught halfway down.

CowGoesMoo 0

I'm sorry, there is no way this is true. As someone who commutes very often on a plane, you can't fit your foot through the crack, much less your entire leg. Also, there is no way the stewardess would laugh at you, she (and everyone else) would be kissing your ass so hard so you don't sue them.

Lee002 8

maybe he tripped on it and fell in such a way that he bruised his balls on the railing or something a d worded it differently

poison29 0

flight attendant, not a stewardess. that's what you get for googling at women