
By p-man - 27/08/2009 07:34 - United States

Today, my friend and I went boating. In the middle of the lake, we decided to jump in. We put our valuables in the boat and jumped in. When I tried to get back in the boat, it flipped over, and our cellphones, along with my car keys, are at the bottom of the lake. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 184
You deserved it 57 414

Same thing different taste

Top comments

aero_fml 0

Give up boating and pick up diving?

WHY WOULD YOU BRING THOSE THINGS WITH YOU ON A BOAT?! I get not having a safe place to put them-- but then why the HELL would you *jump out* of that boat and risk something happening to all of your shit? My GOD YDI for being such a dumbass!!! >_


screwtaylor 0

The OP and her friends were probably looking for some fish to mate with. Anyway, listen to this song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VaLySmG8gjg RIP to her phone and keys.

No, listen to THIS song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UBCrsaet-2Q

legitmw 0

I think you were canoeing. Not boating. In order for it be boating you have to have a boat. Anything that flips from getting in it is wayyy too small to be a boat.

I ALWAYS bring my cell phone on the boat. Most cell's now have GPS locators and are an immeadiate source of communication if something goes awry. However, my boat would definately not tip over if someone climbed in so I'm thinking these were some young guys is a small wooden or aluminum boat. In which case they were probably not out of sight of land and wouldn't need a comm device. #15 earns the title for "funniest comment"

no boat tips that easily unless you found th cheapest boat possible or a canoe. either way ydi for not knowing how to board properly.

pinkbullethippy 0

I call fake on this, do you know how hard it is to flip even a little john boat? Pretty damn hard. I would believe it if you said it was a canoe... But boating? No way.