Loud and proud!

By Alabamagirl2 - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my sister told me the reason why she went with me to a gay pride parade a few months ago was because she thought it would inspire me to come out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 931
You deserved it 4 743

Alabamagirl2 tells us more.

Alabamagirl2 5

Anyway, yes I did go to a gay pride parade because I think they should have their right to love as much as straight people should. (I also have a gay uncle, I love him all the same) So the reason I posted this was because I hated the fact that my sister just assumed I was gay for not having a boyfriend yet because i'm 16 going on 17 already, like I need to rush myself or something or because I want to live a little first before diving into that whole fiasco instead of just giving it away early. Me wanting gay people to have rights too is apparently another assumption made by her that I'm "gay", because why would I be so passionate about it? It couldn't be because i care about other human beings, no. I also found out she'd been discussing my sexuality with my mother, my father and my brother, and all her friends; despite it being none of her ******* business. The saddest part I find in all this is that they all think a girl can't be independent or NOT focus all her attention on a guy instead of trying to make something of herself first, because if she isn't following some boy then she MUST be gay. Ugh, I'm just done you guys. I'm really done. But I can tell you with all honesty that I cannot find anything sexually attractive about a woman, while we're on the subject, lol. But hey, if that's the way your cookies crumble then that's ok too. Anyway, thanks for the nice comments, peace. xoxo

Top comments

Honestly though, there are worse things.... Be grateful your sister was welcoming towards it. though it is slightly unfortunate that she does think that. Either way, don't over think it to much. It shows she loves you.

We'll OP, at least if you were actually gay you know she would support you .


pilusepi 10

YDI for going to the gay pride parade

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At least you know she's supportive of you whether you're gay or not. As for this FML, why defend yourself against something that isn't offensive? So what if she thought you're gay?

Lil_Red777 21

It isn't right to assume people's sexuality without even asking. If it isn't who you are it is a big deal.

Being called something offensive is a big deal...not being called gay. What's wrong with being gay?

At least you know that even if you were gay she would be supportive

Someone thought you were gay, but you're not... how is that an FML? You know your sexuality; why is it bad if someone was mistaken about what gender you like?

I believe most of the people here are more focused on the idea that the sister is 'supportive' rather than the possibility that she could be trying to get op to become gay (in a sort of hipster sense), or push op to come out when OP isn't ready. Also, we can infer that OP is not homosexual and has yet to give any ideas to that notion. Pushing someone to do something they aren't ready to do, does not show support, its simply annoying and rude.

If you weren't gay why go to the parade? And how is it an FML when your sister loves and supports you in any decision you make?

rocker_chick23 27

I am straight as an arrow and go to pride parades. Many straight people who support the LGBT do.

It's pretty obvious that wouldn't work but hey it was worth a shot on her end

I can't pick either FML or ydi. You didn't deny or admit in your post.

rocker_chick23 27

I would presume that OP isn't gay, hence the FML.

Okee, time to be controversial... If OP isn't gay... man that sister is horrible. If the OP is gay... Sister is still not very nice. It's not up to her when OP chooses to come out or not, and it's wrong to try and force/make OP do something OP doesn't want to do. Nor to take her somewhere with an ulterior motive.