Loud and proud!
By Alabamagirl2 - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - United States
By Alabamagirl2 - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - United States
Anyway, yes I did go to a gay pride parade because I think they should have their right to love as much as straight people should. (I also have a gay uncle, I love him all the same) So the reason I posted this was because I hated the fact that my sister just assumed I was gay for not having a boyfriend yet because i'm 16 going on 17 already, like I need to rush myself or something or because I want to live a little first before diving into that whole fiasco instead of just giving it away early. Me wanting gay people to have rights too is apparently another assumption made by her that I'm "gay", because why would I be so passionate about it? It couldn't be because i care about other human beings, no. I also found out she'd been discussing my sexuality with my mother, my father and my brother, and all her friends; despite it being none of her ******* business. The saddest part I find in all this is that they all think a girl can't be independent or NOT focus all her attention on a guy instead of trying to make something of herself first, because if she isn't following some boy then she MUST be gay. Ugh, I'm just done you guys. I'm really done. But I can tell you with all honesty that I cannot find anything sexually attractive about a woman, while we're on the subject, lol. But hey, if that's the way your cookies crumble then that's ok too. Anyway, thanks for the nice comments, peace. xoxo
Obese penguin.
Original poster :)
Hey! Same with me, mine took me last year in the summertime. It did inspire me to come out, though. I suppose your situation is obviously different. Considering the 'FML'.
Did you have fun?
If you're not gay, and you want to have "gay pride", I think that you've missed the point.
Going to a gay pride parade and having gay pride aren't necessarily the same thing. Straight people can go to gay pride parades to show their support.
Anyway, yes I did go to a gay pride parade because I think they should have their right to love as much as straight people should. (I also have a gay uncle, I love him all the same) So the reason I posted this was because I hated the fact that my sister just assumed I was gay for not having a boyfriend yet because i'm 16 going on 17 already, like I need to rush myself or something or because I want to live a little first before diving into that whole fiasco instead of just giving it away early. Me wanting gay people to have rights too is apparently another assumption made by her that I'm "gay", because why would I be so passionate about it? It couldn't be because i care about other human beings, no. I also found out she'd been discussing my sexuality with my mother, my father and my brother, and all her friends; despite it being none of her ******* business. The saddest part I find in all this is that they all think a girl can't be independent or NOT focus all her attention on a guy instead of trying to make something of herself first, because if she isn't following some boy then she MUST be gay. Ugh, I'm just done you guys. I'm really done. But I can tell you with all honesty that I cannot find anything sexually attractive about a woman, while we're on the subject, lol. But hey, if that's the way your cookies crumble then that's ok too. Anyway, thanks for the nice comments, peace. xoxo
Kudos to you for not wasting your youth by being completely boy crazy. It so sad that 16 and 17 year olds feel they need to be with someone or otherwise they are weird. Enjoy being a teenager! As for your sister, I sincerely hope she realizes what she's doing to you and changes her behavior. Even though she is family, sometimes it's just best to cut off contact and just live your life.
Hopefully you can get it all straightened out between you and your sister.
Sorry your sister is like that, I've had many people think I'm lesbian because I support them. Love is love, wether it's same sex or not.
I didn't get my first boyfriend until I was 21 and we've been together for over 3 years now. Dating young is fine for some people, but I think its much easier to figure out who you are first so you can be more mature and confident going into a relationship which are both very important things. Good for you for wanting to focus on yourself, and as for your sister thinking you were a lesbian, well, some people just don't understand independence.
you have to prove yourself to no one.
I feel ya, OP! I am also a huge supporter of gay rights! A couple years ago my state tried to pass an amendment to ban gay marriage, and my friend and I stayed up all night making shirts to sell at school that said "vote no" on them and then donating the money to the campaign. I would wear my shirt at least once a week, lol. Anyway, a guy at my school asked me if I was gay, to which I responded no, and he didn't drop it that easily. But he has always picked on me so it wasn't a big deal, unlike your sister. Sorry, OP, it's not your sister's place - or anyone's place for that matter - to assume you're gay just because you don't have a boyfriend and because you support gay marriage :P
I would be so mad especially since she is discussing it with other family members. Hopefully your family doesn't think the same way she does, but by the sound of your follow up it seems like they might. Any way it's better that you're focusing on yourself rather than boys. I wish I had done that in high school. Good for you for focusing on more important things, and as for your sister it's none of her business, just ignore her, she will eventually get bored and stop asking you. Good luck OP.
How old is your sister??
The voice of reason! It sounds like heaven!
That reminds me of my best friend and her younger sister. When we were in high school, almost 10 years ago, my friend thought her sister was a lesbian and she talked about it with us and her parents too. We were young and bitchy and thought it made sense at the time. She had a female friend and we thought their friendship was kinda strange ( it was just not in that way). Right after high school we realized we were wrong. When she was in high school she just didn't care about boys yet and wasn't interested in dating. Once she got to college she got a boyfriend and they dated for a few years. Now she's single and enjoying it. She's not a lesbian and even if she was it wouldn't matter. My friend on the other hand always had a back up boyfriend ready for when she got out of a relationship. So I can kinda see why she thought the way she did. She also never took her sister to pride. She was just waiting for her to come out herself. Obviously that never happened. It's years later and we've all grown up and gotten past that kinda of crap. That'll happen to you and your sister to.
I feel really bad for you and your sister isn't very nice!! I love the fact that you have great grammar!!! xx
Good for you op. Dont let her assumptions get you down.
Your sister is clearly very narrow minded. Tell her to mind her own ******* business, just because you're not following many other girls and getting a boyfriend young does NOT mean you're a lesbian. It's ridiculous that your sister even made that assumption. there's nothing wrong with being single, in fact, it's probably a good thing that you're wanting to focus on your life and live a little before you go jumping into a relationship.
There's this concept that if you never had a boyfriend in high school you were weird or a lesbian. It's annoying. It's alright OP I'm 19 and have never been with anyone.
The world needs more people like you OP
Doesn't matter how hold the sister is - my mother is almost 50, I'm 27, and she still think I'm gay since I haven't had any guys over - she lives far away, so to take anybody with me is a big step.
Just explain to her that your not. It's really not that big of a deal.
That is actually really sweet of her!
Until now there were 69 comments... I'm so immature
Did it?
maybe you should scroll up for the follow up...
Honestly though, there are worse things.... Be grateful your sister was welcoming towards it. though it is slightly unfortunate that she does think that. Either way, don't over think it to much. It shows she loves you.
We'll OP, at least if you were actually gay you know she would support you .