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Love language

By upupandaway - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I spent two hours perfecting a really romantic text message to my boyfriend for our one year anniversary. I listed all the things I loved about him, and recalled some of our best times together. Two minutes after I sent it, he replied, "Huh?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 796
You deserved it 10 128

Same thing different taste

Top comments

DontModMeDammit 10

It's a text, never say anything meaningful in a text.


SecretMe00 5

Ya.. I was thinking maybe she made the text so complex that it just went over his head?...

zuzupetalsYO 11

He was probably wondering why you text it to him. How ******* romantic.

Sometimes it's not easy to express how you feel in person.

He probably forgot it was a one year anniversary as well... Juuust sayin

thinkPlNK 0

i hate the kind of people who only seem to type "k," "lol," and (my personal favorite) "nm." -__-

Agreed, "k" would have made him an ass. But I think that would have gone over better if you had emailed it or perhaps written a nice letter. Text messaging is not really the best way to get someone a long speech.

yearcity, WHAT? Type like an intelligent person, PLEASE!!!

36- after a year of being together, they should know how each other feels about the other... And it shouldn't be very hard. Maybe at 3-4months, but not 1year... If they don't know how the other feels they shouldn't be together, or need more communication.

123 Your right they need to communication if they use text messaging like that. I would say something like "Hey I have something to tell you in person" NOT a stupid text message and yes it is hard to tell them in person but it's more MEANINGFUL.

Uhhhh, K Would be my answer I'd be like what the **** are you doing?

Maybe she's awful at texting? One of those people who use way too many abbreviations and smiley faces, or no punctuation. It could have been one long run on sentence, filled with ilu's,

Could've been something worse like lol or lmao.

thatshot808 6

Dude, my boyfriend would of just said "love you too".. thanks for the effort there sweetie. :P

77- Well at least he said i love u. Hope he took you out at least. I know this great taco place.

lebronesque73091 12

Damn, two hours is a really long time, it must've be good. He seems... a little... slow.

Maybe next time go to the store and buy a card you could even see him in person and give it to him.

littletinyME 5

:) Texting is handy, but not very personal or romantic.

DontModMeDammit 10

It's a text, never say anything meaningful in a text.

It seems like everyone my age only ever DOES say something meaningful if it's in a text. Then they're all awkward and silent in person. My generation needs to learn how to communicate with their boyfriends/girlfriends! (Nondigitally, that is.)

Only meaningful text I've ever sent was while we had guests over: "mom bring toilet paper to the bathroom"

26 -- so true. It actually reminds me of some Styles P lyrics. "They don't talk, they text/ LOL, WTF/ And I be like, 'Damn, what the **** is next?'" |the kid|

18- your picture really caught my attention there.

So you spent two hours sending only one text? Seems a bit expensive.

Excessive you mean? Most people who don't have texting in their plan don't text, so I'm assuming it probably isn't expensive.

wow, considering you spent 2 hours to make it romantic and he only responded "huh?" I personally would have been pissed off if it was a long text and then got a one worded response as if he didn't understand it. that would suck 100%

I blame her. Why the **** send it as a text. Call him. I would of been annoyed to been him, he has to reply to all of that and frankly huge wall-of-text gets irritating. Still, it is a Fml from her point of view. Sorry OP.

81 So you would be pissed off because he does NOT know it took you 2 hours to text that? What you would think he would respond with something like that by putting him on the spot ? Sorry does not work that way. He would need time but at the sometime he should have text something better. she should have said it in person to be meaningful or call at least let him here you say it And give a few hour for a good response, just as it took you 2 hours to text it. Too he could be a asshole.

raney150 0

Some people don't like phone calls. Like me. I'd rather have it sent as a text than in a phone call. In person is best though.

Don't you hate that! At least he didn't respond with "k"..

No because I don't send important meaningful messages via text.

Then you're obviously not one of the cool zombies.

MustangGirl72 9

That's two hours you could have spent with him. You could have told him in person. Probably would have been more romantic.

First off... 2 hours?!? Please tell me you are 12, or are majorly exaggerating! It doesn't take 2 hours to write a long text and if it did it probably came out in like 30 pages and probably not in the right order, depending on his phone!! And if you couldn't be with him during those 2 hours, you probably could have done something more romantic or useful even. Like it all out in a letter, or go get him some chocolate, or even make a picture collage of the two of you together! Just not a long or romantic text ever. If they're getting it on their phone, then they're most likely out doing something and therefore not focused on your romantic gesture! He was probably wondering why his phone was vibrating non stop for over a half hour! ;)

mondayna 3

Yeah listen to mr Brady, he seems to have wrote that book in two hours too.

I disagree with OP's "romantic text" on principle. It's simply a waste of time. Texts are meant to convey short, concise thoughts, not novellas. I text an awful lot, but the things I send are always very brief. I understand that there are times when you are bogged down with things and can't have a conversation, but if you have two hours to spare, then you can spend them on something that isn't as ephemeral as a text message. |the kid|

mikomu 3

How do you know she wasn't out of reach. Or somewhere she couldn't walk or drive to get to.

EG14_fml 8

Well texts dont really mean much, maybe write it out?

SupahAsian 4

"I love you so much I can only express it with a text."