Love language

By upupandaway - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I spent two hours perfecting a really romantic text message to my boyfriend for our one year anniversary. I listed all the things I loved about him, and recalled some of our best times together. Two minutes after I sent it, he replied, "Huh?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 796
You deserved it 10 128

Same thing different taste

Top comments

DontModMeDammit 10

It's a text, never say anything meaningful in a text.


Two things I'm amazed about. 1. Two hours? Damn. 2. You wrote it all on a text? Really? Instead of just writing it on a piece of paper and reading it to him?

That's one of the better ways a text message could have gone wrong. Imagine you spending one and a half hours writing it, and your phone dies - you lose it all. Don't be afraid of a physical piece of paper. There's so much more you could do with it, also. Doodle hearts on it, paste a photo... Your own handwriting alone makes it more special. The world is coming to an end if we really think that text messages are the best way to express our love... Ag... Very long text messages can get confusing. Too much typewriting squashed into one area. "Huh?" really isn't that bad of a response. YDI. :(

YDI for sending a text message. Try something really romantic next time.

List of worse things he could have said: K tl;dr lol lmao Lul Lawl Lololololol Cocaine is a hell of a drug Are you high? And your point is? Why'd you send me a blank text message? I only did if for the sex. There is more but I'm just going to leave it at that.

ummm ydi for sending him a ******* text... jeez if its one year, at least call him! smartass...

msjoyfull84 0

You should've said that in person. What ever happened to the good ol days when people talked face to face?

Perhaps you mistyped the contact number???

You must be the Godess of romance, texts really are so romantic and meaningful.