By Maddie110110 - 07/06/2011 04:43 - United States
Same thing different taste
By KalaKa - 20/12/2014 20:45 - United States
By sleepingbeauty - 24/04/2016 08:45 - United States - Jackson
By anon - 30/08/2016 18:32 - United States - Atlanta
By whatever - 24/11/2012 07:02 - Canada - Calgary
By Gutted. - 21/03/2009 23:04 - United Kingdom
By Marine - 28/03/2009 05:38 - United States
Love language
By upupandaway - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States
By Anonymous - 23/04/2009 13:35 - United States
By anon - 17/07/2015 07:04 - Australia - Melbourne
By Anonymous - 02/06/2015 05:03
Top comments
"talk later; driving"?
I looked it up - it means "too long; didn't read"
Taco's Lurking; Don't Run?
Terrorist Laden; Do Run
Talk about shut down.
twilight licks; dry rectums
taco lovin; damn Roger?

Terrible lisp; dental reconstruction?
torturing llamas;deers raped ?
Too long; Damn repliers.
Tasty lunch; dinner ready?
none of you are funny stop trying this post is going to shit -.- you have failed to cease my boredom mortal beings
Ticklish lice; dried rice?
too late ; dog's raped
Two laxatives : Deadly response?
Tan Legs; Daniel Radcliffe.
******** licking; DAMN right!
talk later; doctor that's what I say if I'm at the Doc
talk later; doctor that's what I say if I'm at the Doc
retards its "Too Long; Didnt Read"
deerrrrrr my name is emorockownage and I'm an idiot cause I can't take a joke duhhhhhhh. By the way dumb ass kid, there's no way in hell you're almost 25 when you look like a pubescent little scrawny kid
too long didn't read.
True love, damn right?
tummy large; don't eat
how do people not know that means too long didn't read?
twat lips; dick rim
cute lol
LOL! Best replies EVER!
Guys, we all know that it means "too long; didn't read." Now please proceed to the nearest convenience store and pick up a little thing called a sense of humor.
95 is the bestt. and C-C-COMBO BRREAKKARRRR
Tight lips ; dick rubbed
ten ligers'; dicks ruptured?
tickling lardos; didn't read.
wow. i really thought it was tan legs:danielle radcliffe.
too late; devil raptured
lololol!! this is very funny! :P
Obviously we all know that.
time to lick; do it rihgtnow
203 I beat u to it
talk later; doctors'
too little; dick rejected
C-C-C-C-Combo breaker!!!
I think so
talk later; date rape
...What the ****?
hahaha this ones my favorite I think!
Too long; didn't read
Tiny lynxes; dehydration reeks
it means "too long; didn't read"
You must be new.
tit licker dick rejecter
It's what people say when they're too dumb to read more than half of a sentence.
hahaha ^
179: your pic made me giggle. (:
it means "too long; didn't read"
Hahahaha, that reminds me of a College Humour video on YouTube! The Leets and the Noob boyfriend!
that is the ******* cutest kitten ever! uber-cute
i agree with 165. 15 you killed it
best. comeback. ever.
the empty can rattles the most
youre right haha
Then he'd have said: tl; dl.
talk later; Dr. who.
lol. awesome.
131, you are my hero.

Then you say as he wants a bj "too small, not worth it"
it means "too long; didn't read"